In Solitude You Find The Answers You Seek! In silence and solitude can you truly find the answers to life, solve the riddle of life or even get an understanding of this vast cosmos and our role in the grand scheme of time? Only in the silence! In silence, the mind is silenced and its chatter has been halted or maybe you could say temporarily stopped (the mind is really a chatter box and can go on and on without rest/stopping if you let it). Now You Can Hear Yourself! In silence, when you listen carefully and take time to be still and bask in the quiet and new found freedom, then can you hear that small voice that isn’t loud at all? You may have to strain to catch it if you aren’t too careful and attuned to the depth of yourself. At the core, you are a being of such divine magnificence that world cannot begin to even express the divine wonder of your...