
Showing posts with the label peace. love
  Realize The Abundance That Is Your Life And Be Grateful! How many times do we really look around us to really appreciate not only nature and its glorious beauty but also its magnificence and splendor and the interconnectivity of all life springing forth and touching all that lives and breath? Life is really such a precious gift and if we are truly honest with ourselves we would realize that when you have food on your table, a roof over your head, family and a few friends then you really are richer than you know. Life takes a different meaning and a whole new perspective when you approach it from gratitude and love. It opens your heart to the magnificent glory and spectacle that is truly before you. You begin to connect to nature and observe its splendid rhythmic sequence and how the whole of nature is synced with each other carrying each other and balancing each other out. From the heart center you heart bursts with such joy and ecstasy like you have never experienced b...
  Your Inner Stillness Rather Than Your Outer Action Creates Your Reality! Life will always throw challenges and even more challenges at us and knocking us off our feet, but if we can maintain that inner sense of calm even in adversity then we can outwit life. Life can never outwit those who can maintain their sense of calm, peace and serenity even in the face and midst of war and strife and the world falling apart, they remain calm and appear unaffected. For some, a little challenge and problem means great complaining and lamentation that goes on and on like their life is over, which will not be the case if they would but take a moment to look again. When they take a step back and look critically and deeper at their life situation, they will begin to understand the intricate and delicate nature of life and see how the how of life is interconnected. They will see how the whole of life works and the interrelation of divine source and all creations. They will begin to under...
  Three Steps To Aging Gracefully! A lot of people in the world today dread aging like it’s some diseases or even worse – a paralysis or leprosy. They have to understand that it is nothing more than a biological process that the body undergoes due to different factors both within and outside the human body. Three Steps To Aging Gracefully The human body is an advanced machine that fine tunes itself and keeps itself running efficiently, you as the carrier of the body (the embodiment within the clay shell, the spirit in the shell or the observer in the shell) also have a big role to play in keeping the body running efficiently. There are basically three steps to aging gracefully and they are: 1.   Diet and Nutrition. Scientists have an expression called “garbage in, garbage out”. Whatever you ingest or eat is essential to the smooth running of the body and keeping the body in optimal ph level. If your nutrition is based on healthier diet around fruits, vegetables, wh...
  You Are A Jewel Of Inestimable Value: You Are A Spark Of The Infinite! If only you know how utterly precious and valuable you are, maybe then you will quit worrying about things that are inconsequential and tap into the power of who and what you truly are. Many are led to believe that we are this body that we wear like an amour, a body suit and as such refer to it as them. They give it so much credence and pay so much time and attention to it while their true nature awaits recognition and manifestation. It wallows in the dungeon called the body waiting for its moment and for you to absolutely tap into its magnificence and realize how glorious you are. You are a spark of the infinite intelligence that created the entire worlds and universes of God and are therefore blessed with this great and intense power to create your reality. Whether you believe the above statement is inconsequential as it is already manifesting and evident in your life. If you give away your power...