
Showing posts with the label Therapy
  Realize The Abundance That Is Your Life And Be Grateful! How many times do we really look around us to really appreciate not only nature and its glorious beauty but also its magnificence and splendor and the interconnectivity of all life springing forth and touching all that lives and breath? Life is really such a precious gift and if we are truly honest with ourselves we would realize that when you have food on your table, a roof over your head, family and a few friends then you really are richer than you know. Life takes a different meaning and a whole new perspective when you approach it from gratitude and love. It opens your heart to the magnificent glory and spectacle that is truly before you. You begin to connect to nature and observe its splendid rhythmic sequence and how the whole of nature is synced with each other carrying each other and balancing each other out. From the heart center you heart bursts with such joy and ecstasy like you have never experienced b...
  Your Inner Stillness Rather Than Your Outer Action Creates Your Reality! Life will always throw challenges and even more challenges at us and knocking us off our feet, but if we can maintain that inner sense of calm even in adversity then we can outwit life. Life can never outwit those who can maintain their sense of calm, peace and serenity even in the face and midst of war and strife and the world falling apart, they remain calm and appear unaffected. For some, a little challenge and problem means great complaining and lamentation that goes on and on like their life is over, which will not be the case if they would but take a moment to look again. When they take a step back and look critically and deeper at their life situation, they will begin to understand the intricate and delicate nature of life and see how the how of life is interconnected. They will see how the whole of life works and the interrelation of divine source and all creations. They will begin to under...
  Trauma Only Brings Out The Truth Locked Up Inside You: Reveals The truth Hidden Within! The mind is a habit mind and as such will stick to its narratives and conclusions irrespective of what is available before it. It doesn’t care for the truth or the evidence before it. Trauma therefore is a gift to the person involved to see what the person cannot see otherwise or even isn’t aware of. It carries simultaneously a lesson (for a reason and for a season) and a blessing (the change of consciousness which comes simultaneously when you understand the lesson in front of you). But if you dwell in pain, misery and frustration seeing only the pain, then how can you see the lesson bring brought to you time and time again which you refuse to pay attention to because you were drowning in self-inflicted misery. You are so set in your mind and you have given over power of your life and reality over to the mind allowing it to run its narratives and play. It is very resistant to chan...
  Nothing Other People Do Or Say Is Because of You As They Are Working Through Their Own Issues: So Don’t Take things Personally! Have you ever wondered why it’s so easy to blame other people so easily for our life’s challenges or take offense so quickly when others pull our strings or rile us up? Does it even cross our minds to look deeper at the other person’s behaviour and attitude to understand the cause or reason for such in the first place? Especially if it’s out of character for the other person. So many times we are so lost in our issues and situations of life especially when life throws one challenge after another at us, that we forget that other people are going through their own challenges too. Life is after all a school ground! Some people can handle their challenges, trials and tribulations very well and are courageous as they face it and work through it to bring balance into their life. Some others cannot handle their own life’s challenges, trials and trib...