
Showing posts from 2023
  In Solitude You Find The Answers You Seek! In silence and solitude can you truly find the answers to life, solve the riddle of life or even get an understanding of this vast cosmos and our role in the grand scheme of time? Only in the silence!                      In silence, the mind is silenced and its chatter has been halted or maybe you could say temporarily stopped (the mind is really a chatter box and can go on and on without rest/stopping if you let it). Now You Can Hear Yourself! In silence, when you listen carefully and take time to be still and bask in the quiet and new found freedom, then can you hear that small voice that isn’t loud at all? You may have to strain to catch it if you aren’t too careful and attuned to the depth of yourself. At the core, you are a being of such divine magnificence that world cannot begin to even express the divine wonder of your...
  Vulnerability Means Connecting With Your Emotions! People think that when you are vulnerable, it means that you are weak and will be preyed upon by others who look unto you to derive joy and strength in your moment of disgrace and embarrassment. Society especially has made it mandatory that any male – any right thinking male shouldn’t show emotion in public as it is sign of weakness. The male pride and arrogance forbids the men from being himself and showing emotions. They Have Got It wrong! When you cannot connect with your emotions, it because you have created an identification with the mind which has created a false self-called “the ego’ as a substitute for basking and manifesting in your true essence and being. The ego needs are numerous and endless and it feels threatened and vulnerable and lives in constant state of fear and desires. Always needing or wanting one thing or the other and yet when it receives the gift, is never full satisfied as other needs and wants a...
  Your Reality Is How You Perceive Life. Life happen for you according to how you see it as our vision is always distorted and based only on the perception of the subconscious mind direction. It is programmed to see problems and more problems. Except you are in control of your life can you begin to be able to truly decipher and see through and in the midst of the subconscious mind’s chatter, the real picture or images as intended and not its distorted and invalid interpretation. How Do You Process Your World! On an ordinary day when you process the world through the external eyes with the conscious mind in control, we see it as the world tries to portray it to us: 1. Wars 2. Chaos 3. Destruction of lives and properties 4. Natural disasters 5. New diseases springing forth 6. Intolerance and ethnic clashes The list is endless and if you process it as it is presented, you will see a world of unhappy grudging people who lament lack and unfairness. These pe...
  You Are Free To Choose But You Are Not Free From The Consequences Of Your Choice! People are quick to want to make choices but they forget that you are held responsible for these choices and the consequences that arise from these choices whether good or bad, there is no way around it. It is what it is! This is the way of the divine source of all life and its divine plan for our spiritual growth, unfoldment and evolution. Don’t you know that you are a magnificent being more powerful than you can ever know or imagine. Life Can Be A Joy To Behold - It Depends On Your Choices! The joy of living is reflected in the good choices we make albeit when compared against the wrong ones we made before or once did once upon a time when we didn’t know any better. So be grateful for the good choices you have made today, yesterday and will make tomorrow as you embrace the moment and continue to live in the here and now empowered in embracing life and everything it brings your way. W...