
  Abundance Flourishes In A Grateful Heart! Gratitude is imperative on a daily basis and not just on Thanksgiving Day and all the others days we think it is important, but all days affords us a window to the abundance of life. "The Law of Gratitude states simply that “Abundance flourishes in a grateful heart”. Perception Is Key! A certain High flying Corporate Executive travels a lot due to the demands of his rather high profile job and his many travels has taken him far and wide. During his many travels, he has been fortunate to see a lot and observe the happenings around him both home and abroad and had observed that a large number of people have the satisfaction of a comfortable life, but a great many others live hand to mouth. He wondered why this was the case in the world? Was there something about him, so kind of fortune that has allowed him to be fortunate and comfortable in life? Good Karma Or Bad Karma! Was it also the “bad karma” of others that may ...
  There Are No Victims In Life Only People With Victim Consciousness/Mentality! When you think that you are a victim of life, it’s like raising your hands in the air and saying you surrender to life and will just lay low and let life do with you whatever it wills. Victim Mentality Is A Mindset! You would rather another person or people take responsibility for the events and happenings in your life, when you know that you are responsible for everything that has happened, is happening and will happen to you in your life. Where is the fighting spirit! Where is the warrior spirit! Where is the can-do spirit! Will you just give in to the harsh reality of what’s in front of you as a manifestation without letting that Great Spirit that you are, the mighty creator that you are come in take over and create a better life? When you see yourself as a victim of life, you are bowing to powers that you are greater than and you are telling and letting this power, walk over you and ...
  Self-Discipline Is The Key To A Great Life! Everything in life borders on control and all great achievers and successful entrepreneurs, will tell you of various rules and regulations they applied in their lives to get to the success that they are known for. Amongst them is self-discipline which plays a crucial role to a great life. Building Resilience: It’s so easy to give up easily when confronted with what seems like insurmountable challenges and problems and the recourse is to give up. But when we take a breather or a moment to look at it again, stepping back and looking from the 360 degree vantage point, we will be shocked to discover the illusion in what seems to be a mystery. The solution already exists in the problem, all you have to do is take a step take to critically look at and address the problem and lo and behold, everything will become crystal clear to you – the reason for the problem or challenge being experienced (there is always a lesson in every situat...
  How Karma Shapes Your World! The word karma sends shivers down the spine of so many who have come to associate it with issues, problems and misfortune, never did it cross their minds that it is also responsible for all the goodness, success, happiness and prosperity in the world. Karma is simply balance! The law of karma therefore is the law of balance1 What you sow is what you reap!   How Karma Works! Karma being a universal law of balance (what you put out comes back to you) is in effect in our lives every minute, every house, every day, every month and every year for the entire during of our life time. When we choose to stay in our true essence and divinity, we are vibrating at the highest frequency and as such are operating on gratitude, love, light and happiness. We couldn’t be even more satisfied and at peace with ourselves. We look out at life and are grateful for the many blessings and the gift of life, we see how life is interconnected and see the un...