Abundance Flourishes In A Grateful Heart! Gratitude is imperative on a daily basis and not just on Thanksgiving Day and all the others days we think it is important, but all days affords us a window to the abundance of life. "The Law of Gratitude states simply that “Abundance flourishes in a grateful heart”. Perception Is Key! A certain High flying Corporate Executive travels a lot due to the demands of his rather high profile job and his many travels has taken him far and wide. During his many travels, he has been fortunate to see a lot and observe the happenings around him both home and abroad and had observed that a large number of people have the satisfaction of a comfortable life, but a great many others live hand to mouth. He wondered why this was the case in the world? Was there something about him, so kind of fortune that has allowed him to be fortunate and comfortable in life? Good Karma Or Bad Karma! Was it also the “bad karma” of others that may ...