
  Negative Thoughts Hinder Your Acceptance Of Yourself And Your Capabilities! We do live in a negative world which is part of the dualistic system of which the world is made of and part of the cycle and school of existence called life. Are There Really Negative Thoughts? Since this world is a dualistic one, it shows that there are two possible states existing simultaneously side and side, representing the two states of consciousness or vibration The state which is prevalent at the moment and being manifested is the one that is dominant and in control. There Are Two Sides! Like the folklore of the two wolves – there are two wolves inside every man, the white wolf and the black wolf. Each is strong and powerful in its own might and position. The white wolf represents the positive and higher vibrations that bring love and gratitude, peace and tranquility, abundance and great harvest and magic and miracle of life.   You wake up in the morning more energized that yo...
  Your Faulty Thoughts And Belief Affects Your Work And Life! How many people would dare to face themselves and be honest with themselves about the truth of their relationship and decide to end it themselves when they feel it doesn’t serve them or in their best interest. What Are You Vibrating! In this state of mind and emotion, nothing seems to weigh them down and they are at their feet happy, contented and vibrant. Whether they have everything they desire or not they are simply too happy living in the moment (in the now) and this vibration seems to go out into the world and create whatever they desire. The Human Mind Sees Negativity! The human mind is wired for negativity and it sees chaos and trouble while in your true essence you truly are a being of light and love and ever so interconnected with all life through the great source of all life. Life is a great school to learn to give love and receive love but we must choose love albeit which principally is your state ...
  Identify Your Emotional Triggers To Change Your Reality! Emotional triggers usually refers to things, situations, events, people, places, things and the likes that are quick to draw an emotional response from you and o which you are slow to catch yourself. Mental Pictures Or Images! Mental formations or emotions and feelings like anger, sorrow, or joy, rest in the Subconscious mind in the form of seeds that will be sown and germinate to create reality and experiences.   We have and can sow seeds of anger, despair, discrimination,  fear , mindfulness, compassion; a understanding, and so on.   The Subconscious mind is made of the totality of all the seeds, and it is also the soil that preserves and maintains all the seeds.   The seeds stay there until you hear, see, read, or think of something that touches a seed and makes you feel anger, joy, or sorrow or subsequent emotions that accompany such.   Every Thought Generates An Emotion! E...