
  An Understanding Of Reincarnation Is The Answer To The Mystery Of Life! Life does hold a deep secret and mystery that a lot of people are still yet to decipher and understand, yet the solution to this great mystery and riddle of life is found in life itself – in nature and the creations. Many times we ask question about some puzzling events that occur either in our lives or all around us as they point to the ever evolving presence of a great power and source around us and within us whose very presence is undeniable and incontestable. Nature Holds The Answers! We look deeply at nature without biases or any preconceived notion and look more closely at the event of life and life of itself as it unfolds before us and around us. For some they question existence and the source of creation and of all things, they wonder how everything came to be and from whence it all sprung from and to where it will eventually go, how everything will work out in the end. Some others wonder a...
  Aging Gracefully – How To Look Younger Now! You can't stop time, you  can  turn back the clock to achieve more youthful-looking hair, hands, and skin. And you don't need to submit yourself to plastic surgery, buy expensive salon treatments, or stock a medicine cabinet full of lotions and potions, either.   All you need to do is examine your everyday habits and make simple anti-aging tweaks to your routine. Take care your body, and drum up youth-boosting confidence no matter how many birthday candles are on your cake or how many years you have lived, it only matters how old you think and feel that you are. Yes my friend, it’s all in how you think and feel about yourself. Perception Is Everything! Do you look at yourself and only see the wrinkles and laughter lines that are the unavoidable signs of protein reduction and synthesis and thereby give yourself unnecessary cause for worry and panic. Do you buy into the mad frenzy of the world on social media ...
  Surrender Brings The Solution To Your Problem! If you can learn not to fear suffering or sorrow as they show up in your life, you will slowly begin to let them circulate up into your living room or mind consciousness without being bothered by them and allow them to have their space and freedom but you remove your attention as you surrender to life and what is.   Embrace Your Wounded Self! You begin to learn how to embrace them lovingly and in total acceptance and transform them with the energy of  mindfulness and tolerance.   When you dismantle the barriers erected by your mind between the basement and the living room (parts of yourself), blocks of pain will come up and you will have to suffer a bit to deal with them and get it over with.   Your inner child (wounded self) may have a lot of fear and anger stored up from being down in the basement for so long facing the monsters of the mind and suppressing them into oblivion.   There is n...
  Detachment Is The Answer To Sorrow And Conflict In Your Life! It’s so ironical how we allow mundane things like the insignificant opinion of other people affect us so much that we end up in pain and anguish agonizing over the slights. We can easily help ourselves to prevent things like this and prevent sorrow and conflict in our lives by simply being “detached” You Can Control Your Life And Reality! We are so unconscious and unaware of the power that we hold and weld over our lives and reality. We even seem to forget the light and love that is our divine heritage that we carry with us at all times and which reaches out to us and embrace us in our pain and sorrow. It folds us up wrapping us in its sweet embrace and cocoon of light, love and bliss. Ever so gentle and kind it speaks such loving words to us reminding us to look deeper into our hearts, into the source of our existence and see who and what we are. We are divinity and eternal light and love, we are the mic...