An Understanding Of Reincarnation Is The Answer To The Mystery Of Life! Life does hold a deep secret and mystery that a lot of people are still yet to decipher and understand, yet the solution to this great mystery and riddle of life is found in life itself – in nature and the creations. Many times we ask question about some puzzling events that occur either in our lives or all around us as they point to the ever evolving presence of a great power and source around us and within us whose very presence is undeniable and incontestable. Nature Holds The Answers! We look deeply at nature without biases or any preconceived notion and look more closely at the event of life and life of itself as it unfolds before us and around us. For some they question existence and the source of creation and of all things, they wonder how everything came to be and from whence it all sprung from and to where it will eventually go, how everything will work out in the end. Some others wonder a...