
  Use Your Power To Remove Your Impediments In Life! What would you do if you realize that you are so powerful that you can actually get to decide not only what happens to you but exactly how your life turns out or will turn out without being at the mercy of the various forces that constitute your fate and life? Wouldn’t you be ecstatic and over the moon with joy? But it is what it is! To Create The Life You Want Is As Simple As ABC! “Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go.” Napoleon Bonaparte.            It’s absolutely true that to create the life you want is as simple as ABC and the principles and applications to this is all around us if we look and look properly.   Nature has truly blessed us in so many ways more than we can ever imagine and it’s there waiting for us to discover the goldmine all around us and create the things we want for us and for our loved one...
  You Have More Power Than Your Thoughts And You Can Overcome Them! If we all would just take a moment to really look deep within us – in our heart where there is light and love and where we are truly ourselves, we would be happy and delighted to find that we can totally overcome any and all negative and unnecessary thoughts that comes our way. We are all magnificent beings of light and love more powerful than we can ever know or imagine. Each creation or creature of the divine source of all life has its place or their place in creation and if they would be search deep or look inward, they will see, know and understand the interconnectivity of all life. You Are A Living Miracle: Pure And Proper! Do you ever wonder how you live and breathe every day, after the day’s work you go to bed and the next day right on time you wake up to continue the process of finding your true essence and divinity. You are truly a living miracle! We are all so used to the world and our bodies,...
  The Secret Of Life Is To Dare Life Itself! With so many people being so scared and afraid to take a risk in life, a chance on themselves with life to be happy and understand who and what they are, they miss out on the opportunity to search for and find the secret of life. Are you ready to find out? Most Life’s Lessons Are Learnt In Defeat And Not In Victory! Most people who have made a success of their lives and are in the leading line in most successful business and organizations, will tell you that they have had a fair share of defeats and losses but they refused to let that define them or define their future. Therein then lies their success strategy! To many are so afraid of failure way before they even start or contemplate staring a business or starting out at life, that they end up not truly ever taking off at all. Society makes us think and for most part believe that failure is a curse, a stigma and something both unpleasant and to be ashamed of but that’s total...
  The Challenge Of Life Is To Overcome Life’s Problems! If we can learn to face life’s challenges head-on and not allow it or them to overwhelm us crumbling us like shriveled pastry to the ground then we can truly overcome life’s problems an become a master of life. Do you relish life With All Its Problems And Challenges And Realize It’s A Gift! What do you surmise life to be and to be all about as you look around you and take in the beauty and magnificence of creation, realizing the interconnectivity of all creation and creatures to this one great source of all life that sustains all life. Is It An Adventure Of Discovery, Joy, And Satisfaction! It can be! Let me share a story to illustrate this: Every day we are confronted with people who confronts a world of limitations and challenges and even in that they are offered startling possibilities to change the course of their lives. But they must make the conscious choice and this is only after they have accepted respons...