Treating Anger with Tenderness And The Amazing Changes It Can Bring Into Your Life! Anger and negative emotions emanate from the deep recess of the mind and the negative emotions further split into the passions of the mind that includes – anger, greed, lust, vanity and attachment. Internal Formations And Energy! Anger is an internal formation since it makes us suffer miserably against our desire, we try our best to get rid of it as much as we can. Psychologists like the expression, “getting it out of your system.” and they speak about “venting anger”, like ventilating a room filled with smoke. Some psychologists say that when the energy of anger arises in you, you should ventilate it by hitting a pillow, kicking something, or by going into the forest to yell and shout, all these will help you get the energy out of your system and you will immediately into peace and calm. Be Mindful! Mindfulness does not fight anger or despair, not in the least. Mindfulness is t...
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Aggression And Negative Emotions Only Makes Life Difficult For You! Anger and negative emotions emanate from the deep recess of the mind and the negative emotions further split into the passions of the mind that includes – anger, greed, lust, vanity and attachment. Internal Formations And Energy! Anger is an internal formation since it makes us suffer miserably against our desire, we try our best to get rid of it as much as we can. Psychologists like the expression, “getting it out of your system.” and they speak about “venting anger”, like ventilating a room filled with smoke. Some psychologists say that when the energy of anger arises in you, you should ventilate it by hitting a pillow, kicking something, or by going into the forest to yell and shout, all these will help you get the energy out of your system and you will immediately into peace and calm. Venting! As a kid you probably were not supposed to say certain “swearing” words, neither were you allowed to swea...
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The Knots And Poison Of Anger And Why It Isn’t Good For You! In your consciousness or awareness there are blocks of pain, worry, anger and frustration called internal formations or passions of the mind. They are also called knots (karmic knots) because they tie you up and obstruct your freedom. Internal Formation/Energy! When someone insults you or does something unkind to you, an internal formation or mind passion builds up creating and manifesting as an energy and is created in your consciousness and awareness and may be stored deep in your psyche. If you don’t know how to undo the internal knot, energy and transform it into something more constructive and creative then that’s a better option or else, the knot will stay there for a long time buried deep within and in most cases even forgotten about completely. The subconscious mind is called the ever doting and protective parent which loves you so much, that it would do anything to protect you from pain, anguish and m...