
Showing posts from August, 2022
  Why Do You Defy Change When It Is Inevitable And All Around You! People are so afraid and scared of change and what’s inevitable in their lives and reality and yet their fears are unfounded as they only fear what they don’t understand and what’s vital for their growth and development. Change is inevitable in the world we live! Change Is Not To Be Feared But Rather Embraced! Why are people so afraid of change? Say the word to a group of people like in a seminar, conference, class, I mean a gathering of people and you can see their heart palpitations and nervousness like something bad is about to happen. You are afraid to surrender and embrace change because you don’t want to lose control, but you never had control all you ever had was fear and anxiety, both causing the fear to embrace change and a new way of seeing things. Why do people associate or equate change with something to fear or fear of the unknown, yet the unknown holds so much treasure and promise if only w...
  Do You Remember Your Dreams And Its Correlation To Your Physical Life! So many people have the erroneous belief that dreams are just people’s fantasies and shouldn’t be taken seriously but yet the greatest works of arts and crafts, great music and poem compositions from the great ones were all from their dreams. When paid close attention to and observed carefully, you will notice a correlation between the inner worlds and the outer one and how the inner world isn’t so much different from the outer but is the cause of all the effects we see and behold in the outer physical world of man. Your Inner Reality Creates Your Outer World! How often do we wake up unhappy with our present condition and immediate surroundings, wishing by some stroke of luck that we can change it into something with what we want or desire? How many times more do we awaken to what to us means a hostile environment and we stress ourselves out worrying our head off wanting to change things into something...
  Awareness Of Your Inner Guidance And Its Place In Your Life! Even with our best intensions and well laid out plans for our lives, life seems to have its own or other plans totally different from what we had in mind or planned for how our lives will be and there always seems to be a driving force behind what happens in our lives. If you truly pay close attention to what’s happening I your life and reality, you will observe that there seem to be some inner guidance and direction on how to do things or when things go awry, on how to come back into balance easily without suffering too much damage or casualty. This inner guidance or direction has helped saved so many people countless times from chaos and destruction, yet how many people are even aware of its existence or presence in their lives. Be Aware! When people can calm themselves down enough to bring inner peace and calm to themselves while all around them is chaos and trouble, they will be able to find answers to quest...
  Awakening To Your True Nature And The Opening Of The Heart To Who You Are! So many people don’t know who and what they are at the core of their being as they believe that the body and the mind is who they are and their life and reality and yet they couldn’t be more wrong! Have you ever wondered about the following! 1. Who you are? 2. Where you are from? 3. What you are to do? 4. Is there more to this life and existence? 5. What is sustaining your life? 6. Curious about all creations and the interconnectivity of all life? There are so many more questions that I believe so many have and want answers to or would appreciate being guided to understand and solve these riddles of the self and identity crises. Who Are You? First, you must come to the understanding that you are more than your mind and body, way more than your thoughts and emotions and that you are a magnificent being at the core of yourself more powerful than you can ever know or imagine and only...