Why Do You Defy Change When It Is Inevitable And All Around You! People are so afraid and scared of change and what’s inevitable in their lives and reality and yet their fears are unfounded as they only fear what they don’t understand and what’s vital for their growth and development. Change is inevitable in the world we live! Change Is Not To Be Feared But Rather Embraced! Why are people so afraid of change? Say the word to a group of people like in a seminar, conference, class, I mean a gathering of people and you can see their heart palpitations and nervousness like something bad is about to happen. You are afraid to surrender and embrace change because you don’t want to lose control, but you never had control all you ever had was fear and anxiety, both causing the fear to embrace change and a new way of seeing things. Why do people associate or equate change with something to fear or fear of the unknown, yet the unknown holds so much treasure and promise if only w...