
  Attachment Is The Source Of All Pain And Sorrow! Attachment holds you captive and a slave to what you desire and hold strongly to and it’s one of the passions of the mind causing pain, sorrow, tears and anguish in its wake. Forgiveness Is A Start! When you forgive yourself and let go of any harboring of ill feelings like anger, resentment and bitterness over perceived slights and injury from another or others, then you can begin to heal and grow as the negative energy dissipates and cleans out. Ironical isn’t it! It’s so easy to look at another or point accusing fingers at others and accuse them of being the source of all our heartache and trouble and in doing so, we leave out the most important culprit: “Yourself”. You hold on so much to this attaching yourself to the pain, sorrow, tears and anguish refusing to let go and thereby creating a whirlpool of sorrow and pain in your life. You Are A Powerful Being! You are a law unto yourself so everything begins and ends...
  Face It Feel It And Let It Heal You! When you face the challenges and problems of life or all that life throws at you, you actually find yourself face to face with your shortcomings in life and when you are brave enough to feel it and work through it, you come out not only victorious but a better and enlightened individual. Remember, only the bold and the adventuresome shall see God so what’s holding you back? You Can Overcome Pain And Grief With Gratitude And Love For Life! What would you do if you had no fear? I bet you would do just about anything you want or desire and be fearless even in the face of imminent danger and death. What would you do if you realize that what you thought was your grief and pain was actually a figment of your imagination (mind) and doesn’t even exist because you are life itself, indestructible, cannot die and lives on eternally? I bet you would laugh and laugh at your own folly rejoicing in your truth (the truth of your beingness) instead...
  Don’t Resist Your Pain Rather Move with It And Work Through It! It’s funny how people are so quick to run away from pain and anything that is associated to pain, like anger, sadness and unhappiness, sorrow and grief, jealousy and envy, fear and anxiety. But if they were to take the time to actually look into these emotions and feelings, they may actually be surprised with what they will discover. Running away from anything in life means resistance or resisting that situation. We are all familiar with the popular saying “anything you resist persists”. It bears to repeat then that running away from pain and grief means you aren’t ready to face these situations and the blessings they bring which is inherent if you really care to look or understand. Life Is About Facing Yourself! If we understand that life with all its attendant challenges, situations and problems bring joy to the greatness that is you as “Soul”. Soul didn’t just come to the world to get all caught up in its in...
  Do Not Let The Behavior Of Others Destroy Your Divinity! Life is an unfolding drama involving other people and yourself each acting out a part as agreed in the divine plan for soul and as such are prone to be in each other’s face in the course of your lifetime. Everything that has happened and will happened is all by divine grace according to the master plan for the spiritual unfoldment, development and evolution of soul to its divinity. Everyone we met in life has a role to play in your life whether you are conscious of this fact or not and whether you believe in this fact or not. It Is A Fact! Everyone has come into your life as part of a divine scheme to help you development and unfold into your highest spiritual self. You will encounter all kinds of people in your life time, from the kind and amazing people to the rude and cruel ones. The Concept of Self ! The  Self , as this inner dimension of our nature is called, is the central point of our being, the hu...