
  Change Becomes Easier When You Understand The Reason And Purpose Of Trails And Tribulations in Life! Life will become and can become so much easier to work through and live if people realize that everything that happens including the success, the failures, the trials and tribulations actually happen for a reason. Move With The Flow Of Life! Then they can easily move with the flow and ebb of life knowing that no matter what happens, life will be what it will be and that in the end they will be ok. They will trust in the process and the flow of life to know that everything is as it should be and stop fighting or resisting change so much. No matter how hard you try to resist change or make life move on your own terms, it simply won’t happen as life will be and can only be as it should be. When you understand this simple principle, then life becomes more bearable during trials and tribulations and acceptable during success and good tidings but you learn to stay in balance e...
  There Is No Magic Route Or Shortcut To Success In Any Endeavour: You Must Go All The Way! Lots of people in the world want and crave for success but most of them are unwilling and ready to do what it takes – all it takes including the work (which is not necessarily hard work), time, effort and a host of others to make their success happen. They are usually too lazy (especially the youths and young adults and think:  “Oh the world owes me”. “Society has to take care of me and my needs”. “Family and friends will sort me out”. “Life will take care of me”. Nothing can happen or come to you only when you have played your part by some effort and work, then will life open opportunities and doors by bringing in the right people, situations and circumstances your way, to make your dream come true. This is the way! There isn’t any other! Self-Discipline Is The Key To A Great Life! Everything in life borders on control and all great achievers and successful entrepre...
  No Matter Your Present Circumstances You Are At The Right Place At The Right Time! No matter what is happening to you or in your world right now, everything is as it should be and couldn’t be otherwise, because if it was meant to be otherwise it would have been otherwise. Though pill to swallow! Especially when your life isn’t going the way you want it to go and you are feeling so overwhelmed and frustrated. It’s time to take a breather, take a step back and review your life circumstances and reality! What is the lesson here for you! You will be amazed at what you will discover when you do this simple technique! Surrender Brings The Solution! If you can learn not to fear suffering or sorrow as they show up in your life, you will slowly begin to let them circulate up into your living room or mind consciousness without being bothered by them and allow them to have their space and freedom but you remove your attention as you surrender to life and what is.   Em...