Change Becomes Easier When You Understand The Reason And Purpose Of Trails And Tribulations in Life! Life will become and can become so much easier to work through and live if people realize that everything that happens including the success, the failures, the trials and tribulations actually happen for a reason. Move With The Flow Of Life! Then they can easily move with the flow and ebb of life knowing that no matter what happens, life will be what it will be and that in the end they will be ok. They will trust in the process and the flow of life to know that everything is as it should be and stop fighting or resisting change so much. No matter how hard you try to resist change or make life move on your own terms, it simply won’t happen as life will be and can only be as it should be. When you understand this simple principle, then life becomes more bearable during trials and tribulations and acceptable during success and good tidings but you learn to stay in balance e...