Beyond The Walls Of Belief: There Is A Whole Different World! People think life is all about what they see, feel and perceive in this physical world with their sense organs but they have absolutely no idea of what lies on the other side of their beliefs – it’s a totally different world. It’s a world of miracles and magic! It’s a world where everything comes true! A world of pre bliss and ecstasy! But a lot of people can’t access this world because of their hold onto what’s comfortable and they belief to be real and true so they lose out on experiencing such beauty and splendor. The World Out There Isn’t Separate From The World In You! A lot of people think and believe that the world is just out here or out there and that’s all there is yet they are ignorant of the many worlds around you or the magnificent world within you that is the originator and cause of everything happening out here in your outer world. It is what it is! The inner worlds within you are the h...