
  Beyond The Walls Of Belief: There Is A Whole Different World! People think life is all about what they see, feel and perceive in this physical world with their sense organs but they have absolutely no idea of what lies on the other side of their beliefs – it’s a totally different world. It’s a world of miracles and magic! It’s a world where everything comes true! A world of pre bliss and ecstasy! But a lot of people can’t access this world because of their hold onto what’s comfortable and they belief to be real and true so they lose out on experiencing such beauty and splendor. The World Out There Isn’t Separate From The World In You! A lot of people think and believe that the world is just out here or out there and that’s all there is yet they are ignorant of the many worlds around you or the magnificent world within you that is the originator and cause of everything happening out here in your outer world. It is what it is! The inner worlds within you are the h...
  Miracle Is Simply A Change In Consciousness: It Demands A Change In Belief! “WHAT YOU ARE SEEKING IS ALSO SEEKING YOU’! Rumi! Why do people attribute so much importance and emphasis on miracles like it’s something to be revered and in some countries pay the so called men of God large sums of money for the elusive miracles they seek when it’s all around them and greatly within them. It’s simply a change in consciousness and it’s always available at their finger whenever they need it. They don’t need to search for it anywhere especially outside of themselves because it can only be found when they tune in within themselves. No one can help you find it because only you can discover this greatness that is within you but that you are blind to. “MAN IS A GOD CLOTHED IN RAG”! You Are A magnificent Being Of Light And Love! So many of us erroneously assume and most believe that life is here to cater to our whims and desires and that it is for luxury and pleasure but they co...
  Self-Mastery Is The Key To A Great Life: It Means You Know And Understand The Ways Of Spirit And How They Apply To You! Everyone has fantasies and imaginations of what they desire and wish their lives to be but some hold onto it until it materializes as a reality in their outer world while others just believe it’s too good to be true and so they discard their fantasies and miss out on an exciting life. Remember, every thought you have and hold unto believing as true is true and will come into manifestation in your life as your reality as your reality for as long as you believe in it. Firstly, take a peek into the lives of most people rich and poor and check out their mindset and how it affects their lives and reality. The rich man is a happy man, he understands the concept of the law of attraction and knows that he must work for his upkeep while at the same time living in gratitude and love for the gift of life. He understands that life is a gift and is ever appreciative ...
  Negative Mindset And Emotions Eat Away At Your Immune System: This Is A Proven Fact! Some medical scientists say that constant expressions of negative emotions like fear, anger and hatred actually eat away at our immune system. So one of the most important factors in good health care is and remains “peace of mind”, because a healthy body and a healthy mind are very closely linked. “Dalai Lama” Negative mindset and emotions produce the creation of stress hormones which can be effective in the short run to keep you safe but in the long run and persistent production of which can eat away at your immune system the same immune system that is made to protect you but rather it is destroyed and you become susceptible and prone to diseases that otherwise shouldn’t harm you. In some instances, the body turns on itself and attack itself because the genetic codes have been muffled up as a result of the over production of stress hormones borne out of negative thinking, emotions and mi...