Simple Ways To Loosen The Knots Of Anger! To be happy for me is to suffer less and live more in consciousness in the present moment, not worrying about the past and definitely not anxious about the future just live with great abandon in the here and now. If you are not capable of transforming the pain within yourself, happiness would not be possible, not by a long shot. Happiness Can Only Come From Within! Many people look for happiness outside themselves thinking that is the place to search for it, but true happiness must come from inside of you and not from the outside. Our culture tells us that happiness comes from having a lot of money, connection in the right places and a lot of power and a high position in society. But if you observe carefully and look, truly look around you at life and the people, you will see that many rich and famous people are not happy not in the least and not only is it shocking it’s surprising. Many of them even commit suicide! The Budd...
Showing posts from November, 2021
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Stop Expecting Life To Fit Into Your Expectations! When anyone examines his life, he will come to the realization that it is always his beliefs, considerations, and conditionings that determine his experiences in life and ultimately his reality and expectations in life. Life Is A series Of Spontaneous And Natural Changes! So we come to the most important p art of life’s message: It is not what we do that determines our experience in life, but it is what we expect! It’s that simple! Even when you have done all the right things in any situation, circumstances, and event or at any point in life, if you have the haunting fear that things will go wrong, then they will definitely go wrong. Is it because you are bad, wicked, sinful or evil? No. It is simply because you have that belief. Your Belief And Expectations Create Your Life! Most people seem to force issues in their lives thinking and believing that all their thoughts, words actions and expectations stem from the...
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Identify Recurring Behavioral Patterns And Resolve Them! How often do you realize that you are stuck in your mind and that thoughts keeps re-occurring both the good and the bad and that somehow you seem powerless to control the flow and stop the bad ones recurring. How often do they make you face a part of yourself that you have suppressed for so long because you weren’t ready to face yourself or learn the inherent lesson in the experience or situation at that time. How do you feel when you are powerless to stop the flow and the thoughts accompanied by emotions become like a dam bursting at the seam and overflowing releasing its water out? Thoughts Are Powerful: They Shape Your Life! Since this world is a dualistic one, it shows that there are two possible states existing simultaneously side and side, representing states of consciousness or vibration The state which is prevalent at the moment and being manifested is the one that is dominant and in control. Like...
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Long Term Anxiety And Depressed Mood Have A Negative Impact In Your Life! Long term anxiety and depressed mood arises when you aren’t feeling the love, light and true essence of your divinity and magnificence as you are stuck in the past or tied to a future you haven’t even experienced yet. To correct depression and get back to your healthy beautiful self, the mind must be tamed and brought under control and you simply must stop all the “I” thoughts and emotions over either the past that can’t be corrected or the future that is mostly unknown. You simply must live in the present moment, here and now! Get Unstuck From The Past! Getting unstuck from the past and letting go of whatever mistakes and errors you think you may have made is a starting point. Another factor in long term anxiety and depressed mood is when you aren’t happy with the present moment and you want things to change or be different from how they are at the moment. Life Is A School To Learn And Understa...