Be Willing To End It And Move On: It’s Your Choice! Romantic sacrifice is idealized in our culture and race and the evidence is all around. Show me any romantic movie and I will show you a desperate and needy character (usually portrayed as the woman) who treats herself like dog poo and degrades herself to the lowest level possible just for the sake of being in love with someone. Standards For A Relationship! The truth is our standards for what a successful relationship should be is really crazy and doesn’t favour the females at all but rather, the man is portrayed as the hero who must be satisfied at all times and mostly to the detriment of the female. If a relationship ends and someone’s not dead, brutalized, scarred for life or left in a pitiable condition, then we view it as a failure, regardless of the emotional and psychological pains and induced trauma may have caused or brought on and the practical circumstances present in the person’s life as a result. Romeo and ...