
Showing posts from April, 2022
  Be Willing To End It And Move On: It’s Your Choice! Romantic sacrifice is idealized in our culture and race and the evidence is all around. Show me any romantic movie and I will show you a desperate and needy character (usually portrayed as the woman) who treats herself like dog poo and degrades herself to the lowest level possible just for the sake of being in love with someone. Standards For A Relationship! The truth is our standards for what a successful relationship should be is really crazy and doesn’t favour the females at all but rather, the man is portrayed as the hero who must be satisfied at all times and mostly to the detriment of the female. If a relationship ends and someone’s not dead, brutalized, scarred for life or left in a pitiable condition, then we view it as a failure, regardless of the emotional and psychological pains and induced trauma may have caused or brought on and the practical circumstances present in the person’s life as a result. Romeo and ...
  Is It Right To Hurt Each Other’s Feelings When In a Relationship? There are a lot of women who spend a lot of time practically in front of the mirror caught up in the world of glamour and self-absorption. They want to look amazing and glamorous and would do anything and everything to stay in that state. Honesty Is Key, Even If It Hurts ! They spend so much time in the bathroom and eventually room looking good and glamorous for a simple night out with their men. They are usually gorgeous. But every once in a while they may look different and unglamorous like trying something new with their hair or wear a pair of boots or heels that some flamboyant fashion designer from Milan or New York thought were avant-garde. And it just doesn’t work. When you simply tell them the truth about how it doesn’t all come together as they want – the glamorous fashionista, they get angry and may go back to redo the whole process again wasting valuable time lost already. In some instances, ...