Vulnerability Means Connecting With Your Emotions! People think that when you are vulnerable, it means that you are weak and will be preyed upon by others who look unto you to derive joy and strength in your moment of disgrace and embarrassment. Society especially has made it mandatory that any male – any right thinking male shouldn’t show emotion in public as it is sign of weakness. The male pride and arrogance forbids the men from being himself and showing emotions. They Have Got It wrong! When you cannot connect with your emotions, it because you have created an identification with the mind which has created a false self-called “the ego’ as a substitute for basking and manifesting in your true essence and being. The ego needs are numerous and endless and it feels threatened and vulnerable and lives in constant state of fear and desires. Always needing or wanting one thing or the other and yet when it receives the gift, is never full satisfied as other needs and wants a...