
  Circumstances Do Not Have The Final Word Or Say About The Outcome Of Our Lives: That’s Our Choice To Make When you think or can think independently of circumstances or the events in our lives, then we can begin to envision a better life for ourselves and can bring that into manifestation. But we must be willing and ready to do the work! So many desire a good life for themselves and their families and would love to do whatever it takes but yet they believe in the magic fairy tales of the old and in the aggravated illusions of most movies of the western world. The movies depict that you can go back in time to the past to change some outcome events in the present time that you exist. They forget that “the purported mistake” is actually a lesson and a blessing for you in your immediate reality. When you take a step back and look critically at the events of a certain past that has brought you pain or misery or agony, then you can see where you have erred and at that realizatio...
  Go Slow My Mind: Everything Happens At The Right Time “The gardener may water with a hundred pots, but the fruit will appear only in its season” Kabir There is a time and season for every possible case scenario in our lives and the most important thing is our attitude and reaction when the worst case scenarios hit us hard with a deep blow to the underside and without warning. The normal reaction is for the person to go into a negative mode and the complaints and harsh criticisms follow suit. The mind when allowed to run on its own without adequate and right monitoring and control, can create its own narratives which are true to its own very nature. Remember that the mind is trained to see problems, difficulties and challenges while at the core of your being, you are trained to see the opposite. As a being of pure light and love, you see the beauty and divine grace in all things and all creatures irrespective of the level they are or the condition they maybe in that pr...
  When You Forgive You Heal: When You Let Go You Grow When you forgive yourself and let go of any harboring of ill feelings like anger, resentment and bitterness over perceived slights and injury from another or others, then you can begin to heal and grow as the negative energy dissipates and cleans out. Ironical isn’t it! It’s so easy to look at another or point accusing fingers at others and accuse them of being the source of all our heartache and trouble and in doing so, we leave out the most important culprit: “Yourself”. You are a law unto yourself so everything begins and ends with you and what is happening in your inner world is creating what is happening externally. Over time so many people from scientists, researchers, philosophers, priests and other enlightened ones have preached this gospel of you being the creator of your own reality. It was the basis of the book and movie “The Secret” by Rhonda Byron. When you get angry at another over the slightest things ...
  Medication Might Not Be The Answer To Your Headache That Medication might not be the answer to your headache is so true in a lot of cases as this has been proven time and time again when people take the medication only for the headache to abate awhile and then multiply or even get worse in most cases.   You are the left to wonder what happened – why didn’t the medication eradicate the headache or make it go completely and most then begin their own research to understand the reason. They usually go to the hospital where the doctor prescribes a stronger medication which in most cases has severe side effects that show up later or much later with devastating consequences. What Is The Real Cause ? Headache  is the symptom of pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. It occurs in migraines (sharp, or throbbing pains), tension-type  headaches , and cluster headaches . Frequent  headaches  can affect relationships and employment. There is also an inc...