Circumstances Do Not Have The Final Word Or Say About The Outcome Of Our Lives: That’s Our Choice To Make When you think or can think independently of circumstances or the events in our lives, then we can begin to envision a better life for ourselves and can bring that into manifestation. But we must be willing and ready to do the work! So many desire a good life for themselves and their families and would love to do whatever it takes but yet they believe in the magic fairy tales of the old and in the aggravated illusions of most movies of the western world. The movies depict that you can go back in time to the past to change some outcome events in the present time that you exist. They forget that “the purported mistake” is actually a lesson and a blessing for you in your immediate reality. When you take a step back and look critically at the events of a certain past that has brought you pain or misery or agony, then you can see where you have erred and at that realizatio...