To want for something is to lack something: Desire On The Other Hand Is A Potent Force! To want for something is to lack something and so long as you merely want success or for riches, for wealth or for the good things of life means you will lack success. Wanting is mere wishful thinking! Desire on the other hand, is an extremely potent force! It is a supreme motivator and a metaphysical principle of creation. Desire is an energetic force, an emanation of the human spirit that enacts the law of attraction. You attract what you think about to yourself, whether it be positive or negative and irrespective of whether it’s what you want or desire or not. As long as it is a desire that you hold in your thoughts and consequently in your mind, it will be pulled to you by a magnetic attraction obeying the law of attraction. Like attracts like! Thoughts are so powerful! Thoughts are things! Desire Is The Metaphysical Equivalent Of Gravity. Desire ...