
  To want for something is to lack something: Desire On The Other Hand Is A Potent Force! To want for something is to lack something and so long as you merely want success or for riches, for wealth or for the good things of life means you will lack success.   Wanting is mere wishful thinking!   Desire on the other hand, is an extremely potent force! It is a supreme motivator and a metaphysical principle of creation. Desire is an energetic force, an emanation of the human spirit that enacts the law of attraction. You attract what you think about to yourself, whether it be positive or negative and irrespective of whether it’s what you want or desire or not. As long as it is a desire that you hold in your thoughts and consequently in your mind, it will be pulled to you by a magnetic attraction obeying the law of attraction. Like attracts like!   Thoughts are so powerful! Thoughts are things! Desire Is The Metaphysical Equivalent Of Gravity. Desire ...
  With Every Crisis Comes A Choice – Accept Or Resist It! Why are people so afraid of problems, issues and challenges and yet in these situations are the greatest blessings of all times – the opportunity to rediscover and find yourself and your true essence. When we understand the above statement, truly understand to the deepest level then we will come to the realization that everything that comes to us is for our own good – our growth and development. We will realize that everything that happen to us carries a lesson and a blessing (the blessing being inherent in a change of consciousness and therefore a new you). Whatever happens to us is definitely meant to happen because were it to be otherwise, it wouldn’t have happened or occurred in the first place. When you begin to see the divine in all things and the divine nature of all, you will begin to understand that there is no outside world exclusive of you and that all around you is totally you. You have attracted ever...
  Non Acceptance Is Disturbance To The Mind! When you refuse to accept the narratives of the mind and ultimately the play of the mind as the truth, then you have created a disturbance as the mind will set things in motion to make you believe it’s the truth. When you think you are this great and powerful person and you wield this power by living in this fantasy world of your own creation (albeit in your mind). You feel every bit of this power as real as flesh and blood and you live this life irrespective of what others think or believe because for you, they do not exist and all you see is yourself in this world. Soon you find yourself actually living this life because your impressions are so powerful that the mind must create it as you live it in your mind and therefore your outer reality takes the form of this great dream of yours, this delusion fabricated by the mind. It’s the mind presenting a false concept based on previous experiences or beliefs and since the mind is th...
  Building Resilience Is The Key To Overcoming Hardship In Life! Resilience is the mental (mind control) ability to recover quickly from malady, illness, disorder and misfortune getting back to the wholesome state of good health and bliss. People would give up at the mere presence or springing up of problems, challenges or situations in their lives without giving a thought to or pausing for a moment to think that these things are there for a reason and they need to ask themselves: ·       Why is this happening to me ·       What is this trying to teach me ·       Where am I going wrong in my life ·       What lesson am I still not getting thereby repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Building Resilience: It’s so easy to give up easily when confronted with what seems like insurmountable challenges and problems and the recourse is to give up.   But w...