Do Recurring Thoughts And Emotions Make You Feel Good Or Bad? How often do you realize that you are stuck in your mind and that thoughts keeps re-occurring both the good and the bad and that somehow you seem powerless to control the flow and stop the bad ones recurring. How often do they make you face a part of yourself that you have suppressed for so long because you weren’t ready to face yourself or learn the inherent lesson in the experience or situation at that time. How do you feel when you are powerless to stop the flow and the thoughts accompanied by emotions become like a dam bursting at the seam and overflowing releasing its water out? Thoughts Are Powerful: They Shape Your Life! Since this world is a dualistic one, it shows that there are two possible states existing simultaneously side and side, representing states of consciousness or vibration The state which is prevalent at the moment and being manifested is the one that is dominant and in control. ...
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Fear Is An Illusion – It’s All In Your Head Believe It Or Not! Why are people so afraid of what they don’t understand and cannot apprehend yet it is a palpable thing in the society and has wrecked many relationships, friendships, families and caused so much havoc in the society. Fear Is An Intangible Thing! Fear according to the English Dictionary is a strong, uncontrolled and unpleasant emotion caused by an actual or perceived threat. It creates a condition called “phobia” which is a sense of fear induced by something or someone causing an internal agitation and discomfort. Whenever a seed like that of anger, bitterness, Unforgiveness, resentment and the likes comes up into your mind and manifests as a mental image or picture, the first thing you can do is to touch the seed of the opposite pole and invite it to come up too. The opposite is simply “Love”. Mindfulness Is Like A Seed And Like Fear, You Can Grow If You Nurture It! Both mindfulness/tolerance/forgives an...
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Occupying the Living Room In Your Life! Your blocks of pain, sorrow, anger and despair always want to come up into your mind consciousness, into your living room, because they have grown big and need your attention. Mental Images Seek To Manifest! They want to emerge, but you don’t want these uninvited guests to come up because they are awfully painful to look at and deal with especially at this moment because you just aren’t ready to deal with them yet. So you try to block their way into your mind and into your house – state of consciousness. You want them to stay asleep down in the basement where they are suppressed, isolated, buried and will eventually be forgotten. You don’t want to face them yet and so you keep postponing the inevitable hoping it doesn’t show up and gets lost somewhere in the mind so your habit is to fill the living room with other guests. More Suitable And Appealing To You! Whenever you have ten or fifteen minutes of free time, you do anything a...
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Be Watchful Of The Seeds Of Your Mind! Whenever a seed like that of anger, bitterness, Unforgiveness, resentment and the likes comes up into your living room and manifests as a mental image or picture, the first thing you can do is to touch the seed of the opposite pole and invite it to come up too. This is based on the practice and the insight that non-duality exist and that you are in balance between the two poles of creation so — anger is not an enemy, resentment is not my enemy and bitterness is not my foe. Mindfulness Is Like A Seed And Like Anger, You Can Grow If You Nurture It! Both mindfulness/tolerance/forgives and the opposite pole - anger are both parts of yourself and aren’t separate or disincarnate. Mindfulness/tolerance/forgiveness is there not to suppress or fight against anger, but to recognize and take care of it — like a big brother helping a younger brother. To create balance as the light warms and lightens the darkness! So the energy of anger...