
  Enjoy The Now With Positive Expectations! How wonderful it will be to enjoy the day – this day, this second, this minute, this hour expecting only joy and positivity and stay grounded in the state of consciousness. Not allowing the past and its depressing energy to have its deathly hand and grip on you knowing that you will be lost in the abysmal depth of the mind, its passions, personalities, games, narratives and stories. Not allowing yourself to be in the future either with its anxious energy that also draws you into the swirling pool of the vortex of the mind keeping you stuck there also with its passions, personalities, games, narratives and stories. Rather be in there here and now and enjoy the beauty, joy and bliss of this present moment where you are at peace and one with life, nature and all life. Life Can Be A Joy To Behold - It Depends On Your Choices! The joy of living is reflected in the good choices we make albeit when compared against the wrong ones we ma...
  Stop Worrying About What You Cannot Control! Why do we worry about how our lives will turn out especially when in our minds we have figured it all out and wouldn’t want it to be otherwise when we are supposed to be on this great ride/journey called life and let it be what it will be? It cannot be otherwise no matter what we do, it will always be as it should be. So quit trying to change the things you have absolutely no control over so that your worries and anxieties cease. The More Expanded You Become The More Aware You Are! Life is really such a precious gift and if we are truly honest with ourselves we would realize that when you have food on your table, a roof over your head, family and a few friends then you really are richer than you know. Life takes a different meaning and a whole new perspective when you approach it from gratitude and love. It opens your heart to the magnificent glory and spectacle that is truly before you.   You See Life And The Interc...
  Your Job Is To Trust That All Is Well! Since life is a school and we are all here to learn to give and receive love which is the essence of who and what we are, then our job simply revolves round being consciously aware of our true nature and state and trusting that no matter what life brings our way, or throws at us – we will be okay. All is well! It cannot be otherwise! Acceptance of what life is at the present moment – not yesterday and definitely not tomorrow is what will help us unfold and evolve to our magnificent and divine beings. When You Love Life Then Life Will Love You Back: As Within So Without! When you start to truly love your life irrespective of the circumstances and events around you, life will also start to love you back in equal measure as you appreciate life and the gift of living it. Magic and bliss becomes your life and life then takes on a whole new meaning and it’s like you have been thrown into a new life, a new dimension, into space and out ...
  Disappointments Often Triggers Old fears And Pain- let Them Go! It’s often so easy to hold unto the feeling of having been the victim in all relationships and when it comes to disappointments, you feel a person let you down when you expected more and this often opens the door of old pain and fears. You don’t need this and you are better off without tem so set yourself free. Victim mentality is a trap that has led so many into the dark alley of despair that took so much from them to get out of. Don’t let this be your story too! There Are No Victims In Life Only People With Victim Consciousness/Mentality! When you think that you are a victim of life, it’s like raising your hands in the air and saying you surrender to life and will just lay low and let life do with you whatever it wills. Victim Mentality Is A Mindset! You would rather another person or people take responsibility for the events and happenings in your life, when you know that you are responsible for ever...