To Succeed In Life You Must Fail Forward: This is The Secret Of The Ages To Success! Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things, or new methods of doing things or a new perspective and outlook on life on a given problem or situation, the saddest endings in so many life stories of such great and amazing people are always these: 1. Should have 2. Might have 3. Could have All portraying a deep scene of regret and lose! Why Do You Fear Failure! There is no greater failure or loss of the self except in no longer trying, and accepting defeat or inevitable finality in the face of some given circumstances without turning to check the other side. There is no defeat in anything and from anywhere except from within in, that’s where your power lies and that’s the power to create your reality and experience and change same if things aren’t working out for you. Every so called challenge, problem and issue of life when looked at from an unbiased point of vie...