Accept Your Partner’s Flaws: Nobody Is Perfect!

In “The Unbearable Lightness of Being”, Milan Kundera said by way of explanation that there are two types of womanizers and chronic lovers of women:

1) Men who are looking for the perfect woman and can never find her

 2) Men who convince themselves that every woman they meet is already perfect.

That is love in perfect expression!

In most relationships and friendships and mostly the dysfunctional relationships, partners do the unthinkable and the consequences is always the inevitable heartache and headache.

They either try to make their partner perfect by “fixing” them or changing them into the concept of what they want and desire them to be or they try to create the perfection of their role model through their partners.

Sometimes, they delude themselves into thinking that their partner is already perfect and because they believe this, it creates the mother of all illusion for them.

But the truth of all times and all ages is : Nobody is perfect and perfection is a myth.

Nobody is perfect: Perfection Is An Illusion!

Everyone you meet out there, every human being has one flaw or the other and an array of imperfections that they desperately try to hide or mask so that nobody finds out the real truth about them while they continue to pretend that they are the symbol of perfection.

The easiest example are the celebrities and social influencers on social media who most times without prompting or suddenly have one flaw, imperfection or one ugly truth about them flare up out of nowhere and into the open.

That suddenly what they have worked so hard to keep silent and undiscoverable or even buried for life erupts into the open like a skeleton from the grave and the truth is open to all.

You Can’t Force A Person To Change!
The accurate metric for your love of somebody or for someone however way you see it, is how you feel about their flaws and imperfections.

If you accept them understanding that nobody is perfect and that everyone one is struggling with one issue or flaw or the other and that its ok, we are here to help each other out and be there for those who love us and they are for us.

You understand and even adore some of their shortcomings like her obsessive cleanliness and messing things up within a short span of time, his awkward social ticks and bad mannerisms to mention a few — and you can still overlook them with loving understanding and  accept and even adore some of your shortcomings then that’s a sign of true intimacy, love and affection.

One of the best expressions of this idea came from Plato in the form of a myth. In his Symposium, Plato wrote that humans were originally androgynous and whole. There were no men or women, no male or female.

They felt no lack, no uncertainty, no fear and its attendant anxiety and stress and they were powerful, so powerful that they rose up and challenged the gods themselves.

You must date somebody who has flaws you can live with or even appreciate knowing that everyone is a work in progress and that as long as they are working to be better as you are working to be better yourself, then you can absolutely meet in the middle and create a fantastic connection.



Accepting Your Partner’s Flaws!

Continuing from Plato’s talk at the symposium, this posed a problem for the gods. They didn’t want to completely wipe out the human race as they would then have no one to rule over but at the same time they had to do something to humble and distract humanity from their chosen path of vanity and possible destruction.

So Zeus split them in half, he split each human into a man and a woman and doomed them to spend their brief mortal existence wandering the world looking for their other or better known as their “better half”, the half that would make them feel whole and powerful again.

And this wholeness came not from two perfections meeting or two halves coming together and uniting to make one whole, but two imperfections meeting, the two that both complemented and compensated for one another’s shortcomings through understanding and acceptance.

The artist Alex Grey once said that, “True love is when two people’s pathologies complement one another’s.”

Love is crazy and irrational and a whole lot of other things to different people and each person has their own definition and understanding of love.

And love works best when our irrationalities, flaws and imperfections complement one another and our flaws enamor one another.

It may be our perfections that attract one another as according to the law of attraction “like attracts like’. But it’s our imperfections that decide whether we stay together or not.

As long as we are understanding of other people’s shortcoming and imperfections as we are conscious of our own and knowing that we are all “work in progress’, it becomes easier to be tolerant of others and their flaws and be more patient and understanding.

With this, the relationship will stand the test of time and the two people go on to become each other’s strength when they are weak and vice versa.

I would love to hear from you or your thoughts on this post, please drop us a line.

In closing, i believe the wisdom below will serve you in life:

“Thank you God, for this beautiful day today. Help me to always see your love reflected in each and every moment, no matter how challenging life may be. Remind me to always look to my heart for the LESSONS and BLESSINGS in life”.

Jean Voice Dart!


These words of Inspirations from the enlightened ones will serve you even more:

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being”.


“Within you is the light of a thousand suns, within you is unimaginable beauty”.

Robert Adam

“Don’t you know it yet, it is your light that illuminates the worlds”.


“I am the light of the world. You are the light of the world”.


“Your heart is the light of the world, don’t cover it with your mind”.



Taking responsibility and recognizing that we cause all of our core issues is not a reality for most people.

Taking responsibility to see life differently without justification, judgement and blame, rejection or anxiety, fear or anger would really help you in the long run.

Every condition, disease or disorder is a spiritual condition that has come up for review and to be dealt with and taken care of. Once the lesson is truly learnt and absorbed, the conditions or situation reverses itself and clears out and that’s when we say a healing has occurred and a miracle has happened.

Every problem preludes a negative thought and mindset so watch your thoughts and emotions carefully and guard them jealously.

Nothing can stop you if you have the courage, commitment and the discipline to move through your limitations.

‘Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love’

The purpose of life is to discover who you really are, know and create yourself and experience yourself as who you really are (not the body that houses you) as a part of the divine source to give and receive love and serve all creatures of the divine.

As long as you don’t or you refuse to see yourself as a victim then life becomes a challenge that you can overcome with commitment and consistent work and it will pay you back handsomely.

A lesson you avoided in a past life will be forwarded to the current life until you get the lesson right or understood the reason for it. Each time the lesson is more intense, than the last experience until you recognize it.

This is an interactive universe where we all work together in each other’s lessons and life whether we want it or not or whether we are aware of it or not.

Our fears always surface when we least expect it and when it does, its better to face the lesson and conquer it.

You can take back control of your life and drive it the way you would rather want it to be and have things and have things the way you want it to be.

It takes taking responsibility for all the wrongs that have happened in your life because whether you agree or not, you are held responsible for all your:




Nobody wants to listen to your cry of wolf or denial or victim mentality and it won’t take you far except you sit still, take stock of your life and determine and desire to turn it around and that’s where and when the answers or solutions come in.

If and when you are now truly ready to take back control and look out for the patterns and lessons in your life to understand the mind aberrations that are causing your problems and have taken control of your life.

That’s when the creative centers open within and you can finally have the tools to help you change the course of your life and manifest your destiny.

To succeed in life, you must refuse to see yourself as a loser no matter what the prevailing situation or condition might be and you evaluate what you can do to succeed.

The most important qualities are self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence and that you understand that you are entitled to abundance in your life.

You can do anything you want to and be anything you want to, provided you believe that it is possible.

Victims do not hold that belief!

So ask yourself – are you a victim?

Sometimes a little help from a Therapist or Mental Health Consultant like myself and a host of others can help guide you on this journey into an amazing life that is yours and yours only.

Remember if you have questions or need further clarification, please contact me on the email and phone numbers listed below:

+234 9035143577

+234 8026634753


Or chat me up on WhatsApp on:

+234 9035143577

+234 8026634753

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