
Showing posts from October, 2022
  Don’t Get Attached To Outer Or Physical Forms! When you get attached to things in this physical world that are tangible, you will suffer a loss or sense of loss deep within you when they are lost or withdrawn and this can only come about because of your attachment to physical forms or objects and hence the pain. Rumi once said “attachment is the source of all pain” Failure Is A Necessity Or A Pre-requisite To Success! In countless seminars and symposiums all over the world, the people who share their success stories, tell how it was in that moment of loss, failure and defeat that the truth finally opened up to them, and it dawned on them where their errors and mistakes came from. They learnt a very important and vital lesson that letting go is the cure for so many of life’s issues and problems. Perception Is Key! They had gotten to that state where they were totally unbiased and seek to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and when you are in that...
  Don’t Be A Slave To The Outer World Of Sensual Pleasure! The world as we know and perceive it is one of sensual pleasure and desires and if you aren’t careful, you can easily be drawn into its abysmal depth and be stuck there for a long time. It’s all about the money, cars, beautiful women, palatial houses and mansions and so many other things that keep our attention glued to the physical world and its realities. It’s All An Illusion! We grow up going to school and learning to become subservient to others who tell us how to live our lives, how to dress, how to dress and behave and we follow their dictates hook line and sinker. We stop thinking for ourselves and let a bunch of people who have placed themselves as the leaders lead and dictate how our lives should be and in what direction our lives should be headed. We stop living and only exist! We are blind and dead to all the real pleasures we can have when we embrace life and live in the present moment allowing life ...
  What Others Do Is None Of Your Business! The world will truly be a happy and peaceful place and a joy to behold and live in happily with family and loved ones when we learn to mind our own business and stay out of other people’s business and life. What you want for yourself should be the same thing that you desire for your neighbour and others. Respect Other People’s Space! If you don’t want people meddling in your affairs and life then extend that same courtesy to them and don’t meddle in their business and affairs. In such a situation, life is peaceful and blissful and everyone is happy. There wouldn’t be any need for the government! No need for the police and law enforcements! No need for the courts and judicial system. That would truly be an amazing world to live in but alas that’s not the reality of the physical world. Everyone seems to be in another person’s business and affairs. Gossips Sells Like Crazy! Social media is agog with gist of other people’...
  When You Believe It Then You Shall See It! The mind says I will believe it when I see it and that’s the physical manifestation of my desire and wants right in front of my eyes and yet the spirit ever powerful and magnificent says I believe it so I see it manifest right in front of me and everything is perfect in its own right. So many are lost in the mind passions of fear, anxiety, worry, doubt and ultimately stress as they are locked in the notion that they must see it manifest right before their eyes before they can actually believe it to be true. Yet Life Doesn’t Work That Way! Everyone has fantasies and imaginations of what they desire and wish their lives to be but some hold onto it until it materializes as a reality in their outer world while others just believe it’s too good to be true and so they discard their fantasies and miss out on an exciting life. Remember, every thought you have and hold unto believing as true is true and will come into manifestation in you...
  Things Will Always Work Out For You When You Believe! A lot of people assume that unless they see things work out that’s when they will believe in the unseen but they err on the side of faith and the power they possess within themselves to make anything and everything they desire come true and manifest out here in the physical world. So many are erroneously taught and made to believe that when they pray to an invincible force or power most call God, that’s when their desire will be met as he will listen and grant them their hearts desire like a great and amazing doting father and grandfather he is. Who Are You Really! They build this force in their own image and make his identity a “he”. If they will but learn to go inwards to their heart where their higher self and true essence reside and make contact with this power, they will be amazed at the truth that will be revealed to them. They will come to the realization that they are magnificent beings more powerful than the...