
  True Love Is Acceptance Without Judgement How spectacular it would be to live in a world that is free from criticism and judgement and have true love flow easily and all around like pure wine, getting one soaked up in the ecstasy of its sweet and delicious taste. But alas the world is not like this! How often do you hear people use the word “true love” easily and yet are so quick to be condemning and critical of the object of their desire and affection. How can true love change so quickly without warning and become something so vile and distasteful? It wasn’t true love to begin with that’s for sure! Then what is it then if it isn’t true love? Its human love that is critical, judgmental, harsh, deceptive and abrasive. It is a much lower form of love than the true love which is more divinely inspired and loving. How spectacular and wonderful will it be to just accept another and others without judgement nor criticism. To understand that each is on their own path t...
  Aging Gracefully For The Modern Woman There are those who are aging and those who are aging gracefully, you can always tell the difference between the two. You know, the lucky ones who seem to be getting better and better with each passing year like fine wine never better but always flawless while some are just learning by trial and error. Well, take heart you students of the School of Hard Knocks (that what life is really about). You make a mistake and you learn to choose better and wiser. Some people think its punishment but I truly beg to differ, I disagree totally. Fine wine for example only take better and better each passing day as it undergoes one refinement after another and not on the first day it was produced. The same applies to people and all creatures, you take a foot forward and taste what it feels like, if you land well, good for you. If on the other hand, you falter and perhaps take a nose dive to the ground or fall, then when you get up you will pay more at...
  You Have The Right To A Balance Of Give And Take There are times in every relationship (family, friendship, love and general) when one partner needs to support the other, whether it’s for an evening after a bad day, for a few days when one person is sick or even for months on end or even maybe years through a long-term illness, malady, disorder or depression. It only makes sense and appear plausible that you stand in and be there for the other person, throughout the period of their issues or conditions. Most times it’s been there for the other person that helps them find the strength and courage to face what they must face and learn the inherent lesson therein. In general though, the times when you step in or step up to support your partner should be  balanced  by the times your partner steps up to support you too. That effectively creates a balance of give and take, without making any partner feel he/she is giving too much and under-appreciated by the other. ...