
  The Impart Of Mental Choices! When the influence of a drug or drink taken finally wears off and you tell the person about their behaviour, you will be surprised to see them deny exhibiting such behaviour especially if they are normally level headed and down to earth person and no matter what you say, they stick to their gun telling you they cannot do such.   Many a criminal career has been launched or set in motion when a person was a child, a whine to get the mother over to get what is required. As an older child – a cry to get the toy or whatever is desired at that time appealing to the motherly instinct or a tantrum when the desired is not available or achievable.   All the above will produce a sweet feeling and a brief energy boost especially when the child always gets the desired. “A desire achieved is always joyful to the heart”.   The Power Of The Mind! The mind is so powerful and vast that most people cannot even begin to understand or compr...
  How Fixed is Your Mindset? Growth mindset-oriented people add the word ‘yet’ to challenges to make it less intimidating and daunting and make it feel like a walk over and quite achievable no matter how tough and impossible it may look or seem.   You Can Have A Fixed Mindset Only If You Choose To! The truth is everything in your life is about how you view it and see it and nothing more. You can have a fixed mindset about  three  things in your life: 1. You can believe that  your  qualities are fixed in life 2. Your  partner’s  qualities are fixed in life 3. Your relationship’s  qualities are fixed for life That it’s inherently good or bad, meant-to-be or not meant-to-be, great or abysmal. Some even relish on the experience of it as being fantastic or bad, out of the world or disappointing and some ladies even day dream lost in their own worlds of bliss while others may experience agony and fear. Many Of Us Have A Fixe...
  Are You Being Open to Change! There is the self-defeating attitude that almost everyone has that is lurking somewhere inside of us and almost straight from the start, starts to show and manifest as negativity, such as - “well, the last five didn’t work out for me, so why should I bother again or do it again?” This stems from thinking that your personal qualities are permanent and cannot change or be different or by believing the same of your partner’s qualities, and that nothing can be done about it as you see no end in sight or anything good coming out of it. Successful relationships thrive on each individual changing, but the other has to be on board for what emerges. If one person is open to change and the other opposed, an impasse is guaranteed. Learning To Change Your Position In The Relationship Puzzle! The term “afraid of change” and the mentality behind this concept sometimes collides with superiority complexes, in which a victory for your partner is irrelevant ...
  What Is The Content Of What We Consume! If one was to painstakingly analyze the contents of such food when set as meals, one will be surprised that most of them are not only harmful and good for the trash but are to be permanently classified as garbage and not to be consumed. Yet ask yourself this question – where do you put the garbage?   Content Of Drinks: The same goes for many of the drinks and beverages in the market that many feel that as they are consuming it – they are living the life. They come in different colours, sizes and states: ·       Beverages ·       Sugary drinks ·       Alcohol ·       Alcoholic wines ·       Spirit   They are meant for other purposes than the one for which the manufacturers advertise them for: ·       On the internet, people have posted videos on you-tube where ...