How To Express Your Emotions The Right Way! We are a jumble of varying emotions swimming around in our minds and bodies and instead of feeling our emotions we numb ourselves, mask our wounds with a smile or grow depressed about everything because we can’t be sad about something. It’s Okay To Express Your Emotion! Instead we need heartfelt compassion for ourselves, and to accept all our emotions safely with the support of friends and family. In order to be calm and at ease with ourselves, we need regular periods where we do something rather strange-sounding: process our emotions. As long as we are in denial of trauma or any deep seated emotional disturbance, isolation or experience that we may have had in the past , we’re never going to understand addiction or what that truly means. What Are Addictions! Addictions are an attempt at escape from life or the trauma we are submerged in at that time and this society traumatizes people. Life in this society means that a l...