
  Letting Conflicts Go Unresolved Only Prolongs The Inevitable And Is Not In Your Favour! I have found that thousands of happily married successful couples some of whom have been married for 40 years and some even much longer than that, have persistent unresolved issues, unresolved issues that they have been fighting about and trying to resolve for decades. Meanwhile many of the unsuccessful couples insisted on resolving everything because they believed that there should be no disagreement or any type of conflict between them. True Love Is A Process! People like to fantasize about “true love.” But if there is such a thing, it requires us to sometimes accept things we don’t like. Successful couples accept and understand that some conflict is inevitable and that there will always be certain things they don’t like about their partners or things they don’t agree with and that this is fine. You don’t need to feel the need to change somebody or make them into an ideal that is...
  Being Mindful Helps You Stay In Balance And Control Of Your Life! We need to bring mindfulness to our daily life, paying attention to the angry wolf and catching our emotions and thoughts as they arise, if we want to live a peaceful, successful, and happy life. When you cannot connect with your emotions, it because you have created an identification with the mind which has created a false self-called “the ego’ as a substitute for basking and manifesting in your true essence and being. The ego needs are numerous and endless and it feels threatened and vulnerable and lives in constant state of fear and desires. Always needing or wanting one thing or the other and yet when it receives the gift, is never full satisfied as other needs and wants arise to take its place. It is always in a constant state of “fight or flight”, believing the world is a cruel and hostile place to live in and everyone is after you for one reason or the other. Maintain Your Sense Of Balance! For y...
  Recognizing And Relieving Negative Energy Especially Of Anger! Anger and negative emotions emanate from the deep recess of the mind and the negative emotions further split into the passions of the mind that includes – anger, greed, lust, vanity and attachment. Internal Formations And Energy! Anger is an internal formation or energy since it makes you suffer miserably against your desire, you try your best to get rid of it as much as you can. Psychologists like the expression, “getting it out of your system.” and they speak about “venting anger”, like ventilating a room filled with smoke. Some psychologists say that when the energy of anger arises in you, you should ventilate it by hitting a pillow, kicking something, or by going into the forest to yell and shout, all these will help you get the energy out of your system and you will immediately into peace and calm. The Knots And Poison Of Anger! In your consciousness or awareness there are blocks of pain, worry, ang...