Accept Your Partner’s Flaws: Nobody Is Perfect! In “The Unbearable Lightness of Being”, Milan Kundera said by way of explanation that there are two types of womanizers and chronic lovers of women: 1) Men who are looking for the perfect woman and can never find her 2) Men who convince themselves that every woman they meet is already perfect. That is love in perfect expression! In most relationships and friendships and mostly the dysfunctional relationships, partners do the unthinkable and the consequences is always the inevitable heartache and headache. They either try to make their partner perfect by “fixing” them or changing them into the concept of what they want and desire them to be or they try to create the perfection of their role model through their partners. Sometimes, they delude themselves into thinking that their partner is already perfect and because they believe this, it creates the mother of all illusion for them. But the truth of all times and ...