
Showing posts from December, 2022
  Ego And Desire Stand In the Way Of True Happiness! Man: “I want happiness” Buddha: “first remove “I” (that’s the ego talking and an obstacle or block). Then remove “want” (that’s desire and again that’s an obstacle or block) Finally all that remains before you is - “Happiness” The Ego Or The Personality Is The False Self And Not Your True Essence! Socrates once said “Man know thyself”, he was talking about the human body that we see and touch but rather about the magnificent luminous being in the body that drives the body and uses the body like an outer protection while in the physical world. This inner being is your true essence and divinity vibrating at the high frequency of light and love and its mostly referred to as your higher self or authentic self. Who Are You? Are you even aware of who you are at any given moment, at this present moment? Are you your thoughts, your habitual thinking or are you simply this great divine essence which is pure light and lov...
  Can We Face Life As We Find It? How willing are you to be more loving and accepting of the way your life is in the present moment irrespective of how it may look whether filled with trials and tribulations or happiness and success that everything is going on as you desire it to? Yet the key to success in this world and everyday life is to fully embrace life and be accepting of life whatever it brings forth in the present moment. Embrace life and be accepting of life as it unfolds! Resistance only makes things worse and it gets harder until you finally come to the state of nonresistance and acceptance of life as it is. It cannot be any other way! The Flow Of Life Is A Process Of Change: Represented By The Season! Growth and development is an aspect of life that we see manifested in life and all around us. Life itself is about growth and development as depicted by nature. What better time and period to understand this in nature then now. Its spring and summer is f...
  Don’t Put The Key To Your Happiness In Another Person’s Pocket And Care! As Charlie Chaplin said “As I began to love myself, I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health like food, people, things, situations and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is simply “LOVE OF ONESELF”. Happiness Is An Inside Job! In this world of victim consciousness, you realize that life takes on a new form and different meaning and you can’t help but wonder at the magic and beauty before you that is life. You begin to appreciate the magnificence of this great being that you are, finally realizing after so long and after trails and problems that you are greater than everything that is around you. You finally realize that “there are no victims anywhere”. It’s a great illusion and mind trap that the world has been engulfed in for so long and are still enmeshed in its spidery trap awaiting enlightenment and ...
  Your State Of Acceptance Must Change For Any Meaningful And Long Lasting Change To Occur! People are always desirous for meaningful and long lasting change to occur in their lives but they forget that for that to happen, their state of consciousness aka state of acceptance must change and a totally new outlook embraced. They want the change so badly yet they are unwilling to put in the necessary work and effort required to bring an upliftment and change in how they view and see life so that their outer life can change. Why Do You Defy Change When It Is Inevitable And All Around You! People are so afraid and scared of change and what’s inevitable in their lives and reality and yet their fears are unfounded as they only fear what they don’t understand and what’s vital for their growth and development. Change is inevitable in the world we live! Change Is Not To Be Feared But Rather Embraced! Why are people so afraid of change? Say the word to a group of people like in ...