
Showing posts from October, 2021
  Are You Paying Attention To Your Emotions! Many traditions speak of the opposing forces within us which are vying for our attention and love. Native American stories speak of two wolves, the angry wolf and the loving wolf, who both live and reside inside of us. Life Experiences Grow With Us! Our life experiences grow out of the wolf that we choose we feed at any given time. Too often it seems the easiest path is to engage in hate and fear, rather than be compassionate, loving, truthful, and generous. The negative and fearful emotions seems to manifest much quicker than the positive and more loving ones. We need to bring mindfulness to our daily life, paying attention to the angry wolf and catching our emotions and thoughts as they arise, if we want to live a peaceful, successful, and happy life. Society Mandates No Emotions! Society especially has made it mandatory that any male – any right thinking male shouldn’t show emotion in public as it is sign of weakness. The ...
  Dismantling Barriers Created By Your Mind! If you can learn not to fear your knots of suffering or sorrow as they show up in your life, you will slowly begin to let them circulate up into your living room or mind consciousness. Embrace Your Wounded Self! You begin to learn how to embrace them lovingly and in total acceptance and transform them with the energy of  mindfulness and tolerance. When you dismantle the barriers erected by your mind between the basement and the living room (parts of yourself), blocks of pain will come up and you will have to suffer a bit to deal with them and get it over with. Your inner child (wounded self) may have a lot of fear and anger stored up from being down in the basement for so long facing the monsters of the mind and suppressing them into oblivion. There is no way to avoid it. Headaches can be symptoms of mental images and pictures that haven’t been acknowledged. To dismantle these barriers, you should: Step 1: Recognize...
  Depression Is A Mindset Created By Focusing On Damning ‘I’ Thoughts! Depression is of the mind and since it is just a mental glitch, it can be corrected or revered. It arises when you aren’t feeling the love and true essence of your divinity as you are stuck in the past. To correct depression and get back to your healthy beautiful self, the mind must be tamed and brought under control and you simply must stop all the “I” thoughts and emotions. Get Unstuck From The Past! Getting unstuck from the past and letting go of whatever mistakes and errors you think you may have made is a starting point. Another factor in depression is when you aren’t happy with the present moment and you want things to change or be different from how they are at the moment. Life Is A School To Learn And Understand! Life is a school where you move from one state to another, from one class to another and that has been your unconscious and now to conscious evolution since the beginning of time tha...
  How Destructive Unhealthy Patterns Influence Your Behaviour! Have you ever sat down to wonder why you do some things that you do and yet you can’t seem to break this unhealthy habit and it keeps happening over and over again until it is a repetitive cycle influencing not only your behaviour but your life as a whole. Adverse Effect Of Wrong Mental Behaviour! But when a boy likes the idea of beating females and weaker ones especially at school – bullies, they naturally tend to move into that area unconsciously hence the need to monitor how you think and behave.   They find excitement to see other cowering in fear and feel macho and powerful about it. Hence the ‘Ego” and the reason a lot of men watch football and wrestling is a big thing now.   The Blame Game! Have you ever wondered why it’s so easy to blame other people so easily for our life’s challenges or take offense so quickly when others pull our strings or rile us up? Does it even cross our minds to...