Happiness Is An Attitude And State Of Mind! You absolutely don’t need anything or anyone out here in the outer physical world to make you happy, when you come to the realization of who and what you are, you will come to the understanding that you are love and happiness is your true state and base nature. The Concept of Self ! The Self , as this inner dimension of our nature is called, is the central point of our being, the hub of the wheel. It is the true inner center of our diversified lives. Thought, feelings, speech, action, and relationships all originate here, deep within the personality. The whole person-and the whole field of interpersonal behavior-can be spontaneously enhanced by the process of self-referral , or looking within to experience the Self. This is analogous to the natural process by which all the branches, leaves, flowers, and fruit of a tree can be simultaneously nourished and enlivened by watering the root. What Is This Self! The Self...