
Showing posts from September, 2022
  Happiness Is An Attitude And State Of Mind! You absolutely don’t need anything or anyone out here in the outer physical world to make you happy, when you come to the realization of who and what you are, you will come to the understanding that you are love and happiness is your true state and base nature. The Concept of Self ! The  Self , as this inner dimension of our nature is called, is the central point of our being, the hub of the wheel. It is the true inner center of our diversified lives. Thought, feelings, speech, action, and relationships all originate here, deep within the personality. The whole person-and the whole field of interpersonal behavior-can be spontaneously enhanced by the process of  self-referral , or looking within to experience the Self. This is analogous to the natural process by which all the branches, leaves, flowers, and fruit of a tree can be simultaneously nourished and enlivened by watering the root. What Is This Self! The Self...
  Love Is All And Love Is Life! When you start to truly love your life irrespective of the circumstances and events around you, life will also start to love you back in equal measure as you appreciate life and the gift of living it. Magic and bliss becomes your life and life then takes on a whole new meaning and it’s like you have been thrown into a new life, a new dimension, into space and out of space. When You Love Life Then Life Will Love You Back: As Within So Without! Life as we all see it is different for everyone and is according to each person’s state of consciousness and it is not unobserved by your perception. For some, life is a joy and blissful and they live in this great state of consciousness exuding gratitude and love and vibrating on the higher frequency of light and love. No matter what is before them or what life throws at them, they see the ultimate reality and that is: life is a great blessing to behold.     Challenges Help You Grow An...
  Stop Wallowing In Your Pain And Heal Yourself! We are not the victims of our fears and insecurities where we have to live in stress, anxiety, worry and fear believing that this is the ultimate reality whereas a simple change of the attitude to one of being “in charge of your life” is life changing. When You Think You Are A Victim Of Life! When you think that you are a victim of life, it’s like raising your hands in the air and saying you surrender to life and will just lay low and let life do with you whatever it wills. Will you just give in to the harsh reality of what’s in front of you as a manifestation without letting that Great Spirit that you are, the mighty creator that you are come in take over and create a better life? When you see yourself as a victim of life, you are bowing to powers that you are greater than and you are telling and letting this power, walk over you and control your life. You are willing to be a servant when you are like the Tibetan master on...
  You Are A magnificent Being Of Light And Love! So many of us erroneously assume and most believe that life is here to cater to our whims and desires and that it is for luxury and pleasure but they couldn’t be more wrong and farther from the truth of existence. We are here to discover who and what we really are and come into full manifestation of this state of being. We Are Divine Beings! We are magnificent beings of light and love and more powerful than we can ever know or imagine. It is time to come into full awareness and consciousness of our place in creation and the interconnectivity of all life. We are so unconscious and unaware of the power that we hold and weld over our lives and reality. We even seem to forget the light and love that is our divine heritage that we carry with us at all times and which reaches out to us and embrace us in our pain and sorrow. It folds us up wrapping us in its sweet embrace and cocoon of light, love and bliss. Ever so gentle a...