Stress Comes Through Regretting What Is! Running away from anything in life means resistance or resisting that situation. We are all familiar with the popular saying “anything you resist persists”. It bears to repeat then that running away from pain and grief means you aren’t ready to face these situations and the blessings they bring which is inherent if you really care to look or understand. If we understand that life with all its attendant challenges, situations and problems bring joy to the greatness that is you as “Soul”. Soul didn’t just come to the world to get all caught up in its intricacies and web of power and deceit but for much more. You are here as an ever evolving power from which a greater power (God or the Universe or whatever this great source of life means to you) works to perfect itself and its creations. You around you at nature and its beauty, a wonder beyond wonder and let nature embrace you in its web of love and delight and show you wonders bey...