
Showing posts from April, 2021
  Comfort Yourself And Heal Your Wounds: You Will Be Happier No matter what you may be going through at the present moment, if you don’t comfort yourself and heal the wounds which you are refusing to heal consciously or unconsciously, then you are asking for big trouble. Big trouble equals disease or illness. You have to understand the principle at work here and when understood and applied accordingly, then you can comfort yourself and heal all wounds and thereby all mental and emotional wounds and therefore any disease or illness. As above so below As in the inner so is on the outer Whatever you are cooking up within you is absolutely creating the world around you and ultimately what you will experience. Never the other way round. Most of us assume that the world we live in and what we experience and feel is created by all around us and are therefore hopeless to change the condition or the situation. You couldn’t be more wrong my friend. What’s happening inside o...
  Your Victim Mentality Is Sabotaging Your Life: You Are The Creator Of Your Reality and Life We are not the victims of our fears and insecurities where we have to live in stress, anxiety, worry and fear believing that this is the ultimate reality whereas a simple change of the attitude to one of being “in charge of your life” is life changing. When you think that you are a victim of life, it’s like raising your hands in the air and saying you surrender to life and will just lay low and let life do with you whatever it wills. Where is the fighting spirit! Where is the warrior spirit! Where is the can-do spirit! Will you just give in to the harsh reality of what’s in front of you as a manifestation without letting that Great Spirit that you are, the mighty creator that you are come in take over and create a better life? When you see yourself as a victim of life, you are bowing to powers that you are greater than and you are telling and letting this power, walk over you a...
  You Are Not Your Past: It Was A Lesson And A Blessing If Only You Can See Everywhere where you turn these days it’s always the same story – sad and unhappy gloomy faces everywhere, when you check out the clinics and hospitals it’s no different. People seem to be depressed and unhappy either at their lives and /or the quality for it, the environment, the press, the government and politicians, other people (rich ones for their success and poor ones for existing). There seem to be countless and inexhaustible excuses to stay unhappy and depressed with loads of excuses for being in that state or why it’s happening to them in the first place. There is always someone or something to blame and quite rightly so as they will bore you to death with their long list of justification to this effect. They are so busy pointing accusing finger at others and in some other cases, at one thing or the other that they fail to see that the other four fingers are pointing right back at them. W...
  Magic And Miracles Abound Everywhere: You Just Have To Look To See It Are you one to believe that magic and miracles are only synonymous to fairy tales and kids world, well I am here to tell you that it is very much as real as it is over here as it is over here in the real world. Look all around you and experience the first taste of magic as it is all around you, yes Nature in its beauty, majesty and splendor. The sun shines on all and for all irrespective of who you are, from the minerals and the inanimate to the plants and crops to the birds and animals and then to the highest of all man. The rain does the same as does the moon and all the gifts that nature bestows on us all. They are for our survival and sustenance and for a group, class or cadre, it abounds for all irrespective of whether you are living or non-living. If we come down to the plants, we see them blossom and shines in the sun and the rain as they happily and gratefully take up the blessings and nourish...