Do You Have A Choice On Medication – Absolutely Yes

A popular question that most people have these days especially concerning their health, sub health and longevity.

There is palpable fear and tension especially amongst young and upwardly mobile and working class of the population about short and long tern effects of medications and drugs.

People are becoming more aware of the side effects of medications and drugs, chemotherapy and x-rays and other medical solutions to diseases and illnesses that leave them worse off than before.

They are now acutely aware of the fact that they do have a choice in whether they can take medications or drugs to solve their health challenges and problems or seek alternative but safer solutions.

As people are becoming more aware of the responsibility they have towards taking better care of themselves and their health, they are also aware of the fact that every medication and drug out there has a whole range of side effects that has to be dealt with, should they decide to use these medications.

Most doctors don’t tell their patients the whole truth about these medications especially what the side effects can cause and the consequences of these side effects.

Which brings us back to the question: Do you have a choice on medication?

My response would be absolutely yes.

I will share two stories to explain my point.

The first story is about Issac a young and budding entrepreneur who has a young family and wants only to be the best father and husband to his wife and two kids and provide the basic necessities of life for them.

As all business men and women and all entrepreneurs know, the business world can really be trickery and must be navigated cautiously. Business decisions have to be made carefully to keep the business afloat and clients, customers and employees happy and cared for.

So Issac as a business owner is faced with the daunting task of keeping the business afloat when faced with serious business challenges that could leave the business jeopardized and possibility of bankruptcy.

He is faced with palpable fear and serious tension and soon finds himself in the hospital fighting to stay in his body and keep both the family and the business together.

Does he have to take the medications given to him which only keeps him unconscious and numb while the problems and challenges awaits him when sanity returns.

Or he can bravely face these problems and challenges and while maintaining his sense of focus and balance, think objectively and look at it from a 360 degree viewpoint (from the whole) and not a 180 or 90 degree viewpoint which is limited.

As long as he holds this sense of focus and balance, his creative centers will open and the answers come to him with such clarity that he will wonder why he never thought of it in the first place or why it had taken him this long to get the solution.

Thankfully, Isaac decided not to go for the medication with its barrage of side effects that will on their own constitute their own problems to be dealt with on another occasion.

He considered the complications that would arise if he didn’t put himself back in control of the family and business.

On that note he was able to calm himself and looked at the problem objectively enough to see where and how he could solve the issues at hand and he succeeded exactly in doing that and found that he didn’t need the medication after-all.

In the end, he was there for his family and business in great health and vitality and better able to steer the business through rough water and into safe territory.

All is well that ends well!

The second story is about Cynthia, who was beside herself because her boyfriend of five years just broke up with her and for her, her life was over and it is finished.

Her depression and desperation to end it all ends her in the hospital where she was to be managed on strong medication and as usual its barrage of side effects.

On her bed and in desperation to find the answers to this riddle and end it all but at this point in total surrender, her creative center opened up and she could see and understand the whole truth in greater clarity.

She saw her life in 360 degrees and how each option will play out in her life should she go for each and she was humbled beyond words.

Medication would simply have put her in an unconscious state where she is in denial of facing the truth and as such has to constantly and consistently be on the meds so that she won’t have to face her life and challenges.

She would be in a chemically induced state at all times.

She chose otherwise and refused the medication but would rather deal with her problems and take it on, to her surprise again like Isaac, the creative center opened up for her and she could see it all.

She saw and understood the play of life, the lessons involved in the experience and how to move past it and apply the lesson in her life and ultimately realized truth in its true and raw nature.

That was how she also refused medication that would otherwise have put her not in control of her own life but rather at the mercy of her mind and its narratives and judgement, which is always faulty and warped.

So at all times in life, you do have a choice on medication but sometimes again when you are far gone and your life has to be saved, then the hospital is obligated to using medications to save your life and keep you alive while you work out your issues and challenges.


In closing, i believe the wisdom below will serve you in life:

Thank you God, for this beautiful day today. Help me to always see your love reflected in each and every moment, no matter how challenging life may be. Remind me to always look to my heart for the LESSONS and BLESSINGS in life.

Jean Voice Dart!

Taking responsibility and recognizing that we cause all of our core issues is not a reality for most people.

Taking responsibility to see life differently without justification, judgement and blame, rejection or anxiety, fear or anger would really help you in the long run.

Every condition, disease or disorder is a spiritual condition that has come up for review and to be dealt with and taken care of. Once the lesson is truly learnt and absorbed, the conditions or situation reverses itself and clears out and that’s when we say a healing has occurred and a miracle has happened.

Every problem preludes a negative thought and mindset so watch your thoughts and emotions carefully and guard them jealously.

Nothing can stop you if you have the courage, commitment and the discipline to move through your limitations.

‘Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love’

The purpose of life is to discover who you really are, know and create yourself and experience yourself as who you really are (not the body that houses you) as a part of the divine source to give and receive love and serve all creatures of the divine.

As long as you don’t or you refuse to see yourself as a victim then life becomes a challenge that you can overcome with commitment and consistent work and it will pay you back handsomely.

A lesson you avoided in a past life will be forwarded to the current life until you get the lesson right or understood the reason for it. Each time the lesson is more intense, than the last experience until you recognize it.

This is an interactive universe where we all work together in each other’s lessons and life whether we want it or not or whether we are aware of it or not.

Our fears always surface when we least expect it and when it does, its better to face the lesson and conquer it.

You can take back control of your life and drive it the way you would rather want it to be and have things and have things the way you want it to be.

It takes taking responsibility for all the wrongs that have happened in your life because whether you agree or not, you are held responsible for all your:




Nobody wants to listen to your cry of wolf or denial or victim mentality and it won’t take you far except you sit still, take stock of your life and determine and desire to turn it around and that’s where and when the answers or solutions come in.

If and when you are now truly ready to take back control and look out for the patterns and lessons in your life to understand the mind aberrations that are causing your problems and have taken control of your life.

That’s when the creative centers open within and you can finally have the tools to help you change the course of your life and manifest your destiny.

To succeed in life, you must refuse to see yourself as a loser no matter what the prevailing situation or condition might be and you evaluate what you can do to succeed.

The most important qualities are self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence and that you understand that you are entitled to abundance in your life.

You can do anything you want to and be anything you want to, provided you believe that it is possible.

Victims do not hold that belief!

So ask yourself – are you a victim?

Sometimes a little help from a Therapist or Mental Health Consultant like myself and a host of others can help guide you on this journey into an amazing life that is yours and yours only.

This is all for now!


Remember if you have questions or need further clarification, please contact me on the email and phone numbers listed below:

+234 9035143577

+234 7057372477


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+234 9035143577

+234 8026634753

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