
Showing posts from July, 2022
  Aging Gracefully – You Must Watch Your Thoughts And Emotions! To age gracefully and live a life of balance, you must make the right call especially when it concerns what you put into your body especially in terms of your thoughts and emotions, because that determines how your body runs and your general state of health in the long run.   What Are You Vibrating! In this state of mind and emotion, nothing seems to weigh them down and they are at their feet happy, contented and vibrant. Whether they have everything they desire or not they are simply too happy living in the moment (in the now) and this vibration seems to go out into the world and create whatever they desire. The Human Mind Sees Negativity! The human mind is wired for negativity and it sees chaos and trouble while in your true essence you truly are a being of light and love and ever so interconnected with all life through the great source of all life. Life is a great school to learn to give love and ...
  The Purpose Of Life Is To Grow And Evolve! Life is not one lonely forsaken place where you come to just wallow around and pass time until it is time for you to grow old and die so that you can escape this unfair and unkind world into the glorious wonder and beauty of heaven and paradise that awaits you. If this is your thinking and assumption about life, then you are grossly mistaken. Take A Look Around You At All That Is Before You! Take a really good look about you and begin to really see the beauty and wonder that is nature and that beholds your view and holding it down in rapture at the truly magnificence of life. The sun is ever brilliant and shines on all irrespective of colour, race, tribe, religion, philosophy or general outlook on life. It’s all for one and one for all. The same thing is obtainable for the moon, the stars and the elementals, they exist for the sole purpose of what their existence is for – the give and receive love. They Are Love And Bask In ...
  The Law Of Karma Is The Law Of Love And The Law Of Life! Everywhere you go that’s what’s on people’s minds and that’s what’s taking over their attention and has become the central focus of their lives as so many dread it but karma is really both good and bad. It all depends on the side of karma that you are on! The news media and print have all these information and stories on karma spread across: Television Radio Social Media Everywhere You name it and you got it! Amidst all these, is the question “what is karma” When You Ask A Lot Of People You Get Different Reactions: Some grimace when you mention the word and to them it’s all negative: bad luck unfortunate incidents and co-incidences, losses, famine, gloom. For some it’s a time to smile and be cheerful and it’s all positive all the way: sunshine, good luck, fortunate incidents and co-incidences, gains and blessings, harvest and plenty. For some others yet, it’s either and they remain on the middle fenc...
  How To Manage Money! A lot of people go through life spending money like it’s their last day or there will be no tomorrow and believing that tomorrow will magically take care of itself without their being responsible for making their future what it should be or what it will be.   They thereby fail at making sure that they age gracefully and live a life of balance.   You Are Responsible For Your Choices In Life! I am here to tell you that the responsibility lies squarely in your laps and it’s on you to plan ahead and create a good life and future for yourself. Are you a spendthrift – it’s time to learn how to manage money and save for the rainy day because there will be rainy days. Are you goody two shoes spending on others but not on yourself – it’s time to take care of you so that your body will take care of you and you will age gracefully and live in balance. Are you a balanced person who spends wisely and saves for the future – you are well on your wa...