Aging Gracefully – You Must Watch Your Thoughts And Emotions! To age gracefully and live a life of balance, you must make the right call especially when it concerns what you put into your body especially in terms of your thoughts and emotions, because that determines how your body runs and your general state of health in the long run. What Are You Vibrating! In this state of mind and emotion, nothing seems to weigh them down and they are at their feet happy, contented and vibrant. Whether they have everything they desire or not they are simply too happy living in the moment (in the now) and this vibration seems to go out into the world and create whatever they desire. The Human Mind Sees Negativity! The human mind is wired for negativity and it sees chaos and trouble while in your true essence you truly are a being of light and love and ever so interconnected with all life through the great source of all life. Life is a great school to learn to give love and ...