How To Manage Financial Issues As You Age Gracefully!

Aging gracefully and living a life of balance creates well-being in later life especially when you become too old to work or put the body through stress or much stress again.


A life of good income and assets is of critical importance to aging gracefully later in life.


Experts estimate that retirees will need on average, 70 percent of their pre-retirement income, and lower earners will need about 90 percent or more to maintain their standard of living when they stop working.


What Do You Understand About Money!

How well you understand your options for spending and managing money and how well you have planned it out will be critical factors in determining your financial well-being as you grow older especially during retirement.

How Sedentary Lifestyle Affects Your Health And Wealth!

How sedentary lifestyle affects your health and wealth is crucial and quite simple. There are those whose work is sedentary and they also do not see the need to exercise and make it a vital part of their life nor to invest wisely and most importantly manage their investment properly,


The Effects Of Sedentary Lifestyle!

They do not understand how this relates to the body and its activities and do not see that the brain automatically slows movements of essential nutrients, air, trace elements, vitamins and removal of waste products in the body.


Water which is the great elixir of life that maintains the temperature of the internal fluids, and their normal activities that maintain life.


By living an active life, the structural activities of the about 80 billion cells in the body are maintained and the normal activities of the body works at optimal capacity as blood and internal fluids flow caring essential body requirements and waste products maintaining the PH and body system.


“They then wonder why they are sickly and feel heavy all the time.”


Food is only considered where physical health is concerned, whereas both food and drinks can cause mental and emotional imbalances that cause disorders thereby leading to serious health condition.


This is in line with the fact that food and drinks influences the vibration of the blood and eventually the body. They can change the composition and natural setting and cause a mis-match; they give rise to the mental and emotional state of man.


Living a life of balance is what a lot of people truly desire and most even desire it too without realizing it.


“You cannot stop the changes of time, but you can modify your lifestyle and activity as you age, and it is good to know that help is available to maintain the efficiency of your healing system.”

 — Dr. Andrew Weil

Some would call it positive affirmations on a daily basis and this is key because of the spirit, mind and body connections.


When they are of sound mind, body and spirit, they often find that the creative centers open and they can often see things more clearly than before.


More importantly managing their finances which includes investments, resources and expenses. They find that they are able to plan better especially for their retirement, 


Your Thoughts Create Your Reality!

Whatever thoughts we carry in our minds even for a fraction of a second can manifest into events, circumstances and activities in our lives without you realizing or understanding the role you played in creating the events of your life.


Everything boils down to how you think and plan your life because you are solely responsible for the outcome of your life and reality.

No-one else!


The human body as a machine is so structured that it has interconnections and every cell, tissue and organ is interconnected by nerves and muscles and so they communicate and interact in the same way as we do physically.


They are then all also interconnected to the brain which acts as this giant mainframe computer to which all cells are connected. The cells on their own are also mini complete computer system capable of giving and receiving impulses and acting on them.


Therefore the entire body is so structured to depend on the brain for guidance and whatever the brain sends as its message is what is carried out by the cells when the messages are decoded.


So when you eat and assimilate food, if your thoughts and emotions within this period is that of gratitude and love, for the food and for life then the brain sends that out as a coded message to the cells and the food is assimilate as such.


Because your immediate feelings are on high vibrations of love, the cells receive this high vibrations from the endocrine system and the immune system is high in efficiency.


The body cells are nourished in love and the adrenals and hormones keep it functioning at optimal level.


You feel so joyful and alive and the usual processes of metabolism, assimilation and excretion are carried out efficiently and the body is doing great at this stage.


When this is carried out over and over and over again over the years, the body is fine-tuned and you look so young and youthful that people that believe your age.


You will see some people who look so healthy and nourished even in the most challenging situation or circumstances a person can be and still be so happy and vibrant.


This is even more so as you age and should age gracefully having seen the good and bad times and still surviving to see every day and full of optimism for the grace and blessings of every moment.


As you age, the protein production in the body slows down but you can aid the body by being in such high spirit that keeps the cells fired up and fine-tuned and in turn you are keep well-nourished and vibrant.


When you have planned out your life and manage your resources and investments wisely by living within your means and not above your income level because you want to be like others.


You then find yourself having enough even in retirement to live comfortably and this often shows up even more pronounced in your health as you exude love, confidence and joy.


I would love to hear from you or your thoughts on this post, please drop us a line.

In closing, i believe the wisdom below will serve you in life:

“Thank you God, for this beautiful day today. Help me to always see your love reflected in each and every moment, no matter how challenging life may be. Remind me to always look to my heart for the LESSONS and BLESSINGS in life”.

Jean Voice Dart!


These words of Inspirations from the enlightened ones will serve you even more:

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being”.


“Within you is the light of a thousand suns, within you is unimaginable beauty”.

Robert Adam

“Don’t you know it yet, it is your light that illuminates the worlds”.


“I am the light of the world. You are the light of the world”.


“Your heart is the light of the world, don’t cover it with your mind”.



Taking responsibility and recognizing that we cause all of our core issues is not a reality for most people.

Taking responsibility to see life differently without justification, judgement and blame, rejection or anxiety, fear or anger would really help you in the long run.

Every condition, disease or disorder is a spiritual condition that has come up for review and to be dealt with and taken care of. Once the lesson is truly learnt and absorbed, the conditions or situation reverses itself and clears out and that’s when we say a healing has occurred and a miracle has happened.

Every problem preludes a negative thought and mindset so watch your thoughts and emotions carefully and guard them jealously.

Nothing can stop you if you have the courage, commitment and the discipline to move through your limitations.

‘Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love’

The purpose of life is to discover who you really are, know and create yourself and experience yourself as who you really are (not the body that houses you) as a part of the divine source to give and receive love and serve all creatures of the divine.

As long as you don’t or you refuse to see yourself as a victim then life becomes a challenge that you can overcome with commitment and consistent work and it will pay you back handsomely.

A lesson you avoided in a past life will be forwarded to the current life until you get the lesson right or understood the reason for it. Each time the lesson is more intense, than the last experience until you recognize it.

This is an interactive universe where we all work together in each other’s lessons and life whether we want it or not or whether we are aware of it or not.

Our fears always surface when we least expect it and when it does, its better to face the lesson and conquer it.

You can take back control of your life and drive it the way you would rather want it to be and have things and have things the way you want it to be.

It takes taking responsibility for all the wrongs that have happened in your life because whether you agree or not, you are held responsible for all your:




Nobody wants to listen to your cry of wolf or denial or victim mentality and it won’t take you far except you sit still, take stock of your life and determine and desire to turn it around and that’s where and when the answers or solutions come in.

If and when you are now truly ready to take back control and look out for the patterns and lessons in your life to understand the mind aberrations that are causing your problems and have taken control of your life.

That’s when the creative centers open within and you can finally have the tools to help you change the course of your life and manifest your destiny.

To succeed in life, you must refuse to see yourself as a loser no matter what the prevailing situation or condition might be and you evaluate what you can do to succeed.

The most important qualities are self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence and that you understand that you are entitled to abundance in your life.

You can do anything you want to and be anything you want to, provided you believe that it is possible.

Victims do not hold that belief!

So ask yourself – are you a victim?

Sometimes a little help from a Therapist or Mental Health Consultant like myself and a host of others can help guide you on this journey into an amazing life that is yours and yours only.

Remember if you have questions or need further clarification, please contact me on the email and phone numbers listed below:

+234 9035143577

+234 8026634753


Or chat me up on WhatsApp on:

+234 9035143577

+234 8026634753

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