Adverse Effect Of Wrong Mental Behaviour! But when a boy likes the idea of beating females and weaker ones especially at school – bullies, they naturally tend to move into that area unconsciously hence the need to monitor how you think and behave. They find excitement to see other cowering in fear and feel macho and powerful about it. Hence the ‘Ego” and the reason a lot of men watch football and wrestling is a big thing now. The Blame Game! Have you ever wondered why it’s so easy to blame other people so easily for our life’s challenges or take offense so quickly when others pull our strings or rile us up? Does it even cross our minds to look deeper at the other person’s behaviour and attitude to understand the cause or reason for such in the first place? Especially if it’s out of character for the other person. So many times we are so lost in our issues and situations of life especially when life throws one challenge after another at us, that we forget that other ...