
Showing posts from July, 2021
  Adverse Effect Of Wrong Mental Behaviour! But when a boy likes the idea of beating females and weaker ones especially at school – bullies, they naturally tend to move into that area unconsciously hence the need to monitor how you think and behave. They find excitement to see other cowering in fear and feel macho and powerful about it. Hence the ‘Ego” and the reason a lot of men watch football and wrestling is a big thing now. The Blame Game! Have you ever wondered why it’s so easy to blame other people so easily for our life’s challenges or take offense so quickly when others pull our strings or rile us up? Does it even cross our minds to look deeper at the other person’s behaviour and attitude to understand the cause or reason for such in the first place? Especially if it’s out of character for the other person. So many times we are so lost in our issues and situations of life especially when life throws one challenge after another at us, that we forget that other ...
  The Importance Of Early Control Of Mental Activity! If a child continues with the behaviour of throwing tantrums and always having his/her desires met to pacify him/her and keeps getting away with it and achieving his/her desires throughout all the formative years and into later life, then there is a big problem.   The sudden upsurge in energy as a result of adrenaline, sugars, alcohol, drugs can result in a boost of energy that is used for mischief, vandalism, rape and abuse of girls and women and molesting weaker sex and smaller people.   Domestic Violence And Battery! This is evidently more displayed in domestic violence in homes where a son believes girls and women are to be beaten and their voices are not to be heard because he grew up believing this sad truth to be the truth, the way forward and a test of his manliness.   He grew up in a home where his father always beat up his mum and sister (adrenaline pumping in his blood) and he gets a fee...
  Your Self-Value And How You Preserve it! In a culture dominated by early marriages among  girls  that are barely out of their diapers and barely walking and then to celebrity break-up gossip and tales, we can at least hope to learn from past mistake and misguided errors, culture and tradition. Changing Them Is The Key! As Dweck notes – “all of us have some fixed and some growth mindsets”, the goal then should be to focus on the latter – growth mindset rather than on the fixed mindset of the elite who see it fit to run society as they desire which is usually not in the best interest of all citizenry. In terms of relationships and friendships, your focus and goal and any advice being sought after should be based and centered on time-tested ways of keeping not only your relationship moving forward and growing exponentially but also on your own self-value and worth. We Can Learn A Lot From Our Break-Ups! First of all let me ask you some questions and it’s good to ...
  The Importance Of Mental And Emotional Well Being! The mental and emotional state of a man causes more than just disorders and diseases. There are other more serious effects. Emotional Tendencies! Have you ever wondered where exactly criminal tendencies actually come/originate from? Most times we do not link it to their mental state and what they ate and drank. Drinking and smoking because of the effects of the substances contained in it are looked upon as natural tendencies and we tend to forget that this accepted social habits can lead to criminal tendencies   Even the habits exhibited in order to get the food or drink desired show the influence of something else on the person and even when consumed their behaviour can be erratic, irrational and quite dangerous. Societal Norms And Traditions! Society especially has made it mandatory that any male – any right thinking male shouldn’t show emotion in public as it is sign of weakness. The male pride and arrogance...