You Can Absolutely Create The Life You Want! So many people would rather have another person take charge of their lives for them and chart whatever course is in their best interest while they just sit back and relax and expect nothing but the best in life and from life. Alas! This isn’t always the case scenarios of their lives! Accept Responsibility For Your Life! The onus is on us to accept responsibility for the course of our lives and what we want it to be and then manifest this desire or dream as a reality in our lives. No-one can do that for you no matter how loving and caring they are in your life, like your family and loved ones usually try to do in our lives, the decision rest solely on your head. They can guide you and try to show you how each choice you make has different consequences and either good or bad, they are there to teach you to choose better and manifest what’s good for you. Take Charge Of Your Mind! The mind is so powerful and vast t...