We Are Creatures Of Habits So To Change You Must Break Your Habits

We are our habits and beliefs generated over a period of time and they generally play out as the harsh reality of our environments and our lives.

Since we are the creatures of habits and everything showing up in our lives are simply manifestation of the habits that have become a part of our lives, mostly from past lives up to the present one.

Some people are so cast in their habits and subsequently playing out this role that they would tell you it’s who they are and say so proudly, that’s the sad reality of habits and being stuck in it.

Society also has its own role to play in casting people into roles of males and females and what is expected of each role in the society.

Let me illustrate what I mean:

Generally, females have been subjugated to the role of playing second fiddle to the men and it’s a role females have so adjusted and been accustomed to, that they have no concept of it this is right or wrong.

When you ask a typical female about this view point, the answer is generally the same.

They don’t know how it started, all they know is that’s the way they were raised and born into.

Another concept can be seen in the educational institutions all over the world, schools teach the young ones to be subservient to their elders and superiors and not to questions authority.

They train the young ones to become employees, to seek employment and to always look to work under another’s control. That typically being the boss in the organization or company where they go.

When at a young age, children ask questions or seek to understand why certain things are the way they are, they are hushed up and told not to ask questions but only the obey without question.

What we now see is a generation of young teens and young adults who have become creatures of habit and obey authority without question.

They don’t seem to think for themselves because somebody (older of course) had said they should do something this way or that way and that’s what they do without question.

They aren’t taught to think for themselves in order to tap into the vast pool of creativity that you as a magnificent being is blessed with and open the vast center of creativity that you are blessed with.

But because we are creatures of habit, we are dulled into an existence where others think for you especially at such young ages where your creativity is bursting to come forth and explode.

The few who have broken the norm and allowed their creativity to burst forth and allowed it to run wild and fetter irrespective of societal orders or direction, they have become the great and wise men and women of all ages.

They are in every generation and across all board throughout the world.

They are the ones who have proved the topic above as true:

We are indeed creatures of habits so to change you must break your habits and be fearless to face the unknown.

Habits are formed from beliefs that have been held in the mind and believed in over a period of time.

Usually they are ingrained when we are kids by authority figures like:

1.  Parents

2.  Guardians

3.  Care givers

4.  Teachers

5.  Relatives

6.  Society at large

Being authority figures, kids are bamboozled to obey without question and that’s what they grow up with and before you know it, it has become law and the young adults now believe in it totality.

They believe it to be their reality yet it was a simple statement held unto for too long.

Some great and wise ones were labelled “learning disabled” by their teachers and school over conditions they don’t understand and didn’t bother about, they just saw them as kids with issues and problems.

By eventually breaking the habit of believing they have a problem, they realized they don’t and using the power of the mind recreated their reality by breaking their habits.

The habits formed by a belief pattern they were labelled with when they were young and which had become a stigma and their reality for that period of time.

As soon as they broke the habit and pattern of thinking, they were able to recreate their reality and become the geniuses that they are today.

Only because they were willing to break the habits irrespective of the consequences.

The same applies to entrepreneurs and successful business men and women who broke the habit of job seeking or employee status and label being taught in schools, by wanting something outside of this norm for themselves.

They decided not to follow the usual rules from school but challenged themselves to do better and be better and different from the others.

By this they were able to tap into their high states of vibration and open the creative centers, and from there the wisdom of their businesses flooded into their mind and the rest is what you see manifested today.

They weren’t born geniuses or with super natural powers, they were just normal people who decided to break a habit pattern and do things differently and found the truth hidden therein.

A famous example of Oprah Winfrey, whose grandmother saw her also fulfilling the roles and tasks of the black people of that era, serving as maids to the whites and their families.

They advised Oprah to become accordingly and hopefully get into a family that would treat her right and take care of here and where she would be fine.

But young Oprah at age six saw her life differently from what her grandmother saw for her, she vowed not to end up as a maid as her grandmother and her grandmother’s contemporaries and rather make a name for herself in life.

She achieved that and even much more than she probably envisaged as today the world over, she is recognized and respected as a successful business woman and she is a multi-billionaire to cap it all.

That was a something her grandmother couldn’t envisage for her, neither saw nor even believe could happen to her yet it did.

How did that happen you ask?

She broke the habits that she as countless others have been ingrained with from childhood and rather took a course for herself charting the course of her own life and reality.

She decided not to be the creature of habit and rather new that to change her life, she had to change the habit.

The habit then was working as a maid and that was a role she never saw for herself, dreamed for herself or envisaged for herself.

Rather she saw herself as she is now back in the day and despite not knowing what could come out of it all and how it will all play out, she went with the flow.

The dream that she held unto that took her past school and into her initial jobs and then she decided to break that and shape her own reality as she wanted.

She was even fired from television because they said she wasn’t good for television.

We all know how that turned out!

So if you want to create a better life for yourself then it’s time to make some changes in your life.

Since we are creatures of habit, to change you must break the habits that keep you tied or have kept you tied or chained to the mind level where you are at the moment.

You must dream big and envisage exactly what you want and desire for yourself and your loved ones and be ready to do so at any cost.

That’s the only way to break the habit and set yourself free!

In closing, i believe the wisdom below will serve you in life:

“Thank you God, for this beautiful day today. Help me to always see your love reflected in each and every moment, no matter how challenging life may be. Remind me to always look to my heart for the LESSONS and BLESSINGS in life”.

Jean Voice Dart!


These words of Inspirations from the enlightened ones will serve you even more:

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being”.


“Within you is the light of a thousand suns, within you is unimaginable beauty”.

Robert Adam

“Don’t you know it yet, it is your light that illuminates the worlds”.


“I am the light of the world. You are the light of the world”.


“Your heart is the light of the world, don’t cover it with your mind”.



Taking responsibility and recognizing that we cause all of our core issues is not a reality for most people.

Taking responsibility to see life differently without justification, judgement and blame, rejection or anxiety, fear or anger would really help you in the long run.

Every condition, disease or disorder is a spiritual condition that has come up for review and to be dealt with and taken care of. Once the lesson is truly learnt and absorbed, the conditions or situation reverses itself and clears out and that’s when we say a healing has occurred and a miracle has happened.

Every problem preludes a negative thought and mindset so watch your thoughts and emotions carefully and guard them jealously.

Nothing can stop you if you have the courage, commitment and the discipline to move through your limitations.

‘Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love’

The purpose of life is to discover who you really are, know and create yourself and experience yourself as who you really are (not the body that houses you) as a part of the divine source to give and receive love and serve all creatures of the divine.

As long as you don’t or you refuse to see yourself as a victim then life becomes a challenge that you can overcome with commitment and consistent work and it will pay you back handsomely.

A lesson you avoided in a past life will be forwarded to the current life until you get the lesson right or understood the reason for it. Each time the lesson is more intense, than the last experience until you recognize it.

This is an interactive universe where we all work together in each other’s lessons and life whether we want it or not or whether we are aware of it or not.

Our fears always surface when we least expect it and when it does, its better to face the lesson and conquer it.

You can take back control of your life and drive it the way you would rather want it to be and have things and have things the way you want it to be.

It takes taking responsibility for all the wrongs that have happened in your life because whether you agree or not, you are held responsible for all your:




Nobody wants to listen to your cry of wolf or denial or victim mentality and it won’t take you far except you sit still, take stock of your life and determine and desire to turn it around and that’s where and when the answers or solutions come in.

If and when you are now truly ready to take back control and look out for the patterns and lessons in your life to understand the mind aberrations that are causing your problems and have taken control of your life.

That’s when the creative centers open within and you can finally have the tools to help you change the course of your life and manifest your destiny.

To succeed in life, you must refuse to see yourself as a loser no matter what the prevailing situation or condition might be and you evaluate what you can do to succeed.

The most important qualities are self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence and that you understand that you are entitled to abundance in your life.

You can do anything you want to and be anything you want to, provided you believe that it is possible.

Victims do not hold that belief!

So ask yourself – are you a victim?

Sometimes a little help from a Therapist or Mental Health Consultant like myself and a host of others can help guide you on this journey into an amazing life that is yours and yours only.

This is all for now!


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+234 9035143577

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