Reclaiming Your Personal Power Is A Threat To The Power Structure In Your Mind

The mind is so powerful and vast that most people cannot even begin to understand or comprehend the magnificence or the scope of what it can and cannot do or the power structure it wields over the body.

Most people begin to identify with their thoughts thinking its them and acting out the part like they are the ones doing the deed not realizing that they are just a part in the game of life.

So many think they are their own thoughts not realizing that there is a power structure which has already been set in place and has always been in control of their actions acting out as them and for which they are held responsible.

Let me illustrate further:

Sometimes when certain thoughts come to your mind, are you able to catch yourself in the nick of time to actually query yourself if that is really what you want or intend to do before actually doing the deed.

Do you ponder on certain thoughts and events in your life or that you have done asking if they fulfil any of the following:




If the answers to the above gives you a negative feeling then you haven’t been in control of your life and rather have been run or being run and overtaken by the mind and it has unfortunately become the master and you the tool instead of you being the master and it being the tool.

Remember the mind is a tool for your use in this physical world and its best to always keep it that way.

On the other hand, when you have such a hearty or good feeling about the answers to the three questions above then that means you are in control or are trying to take control of the mind by wielding your personal power which is actually your “will power”.

The moment you try to reclaim your personal power and bring about change or to create the life you want and desire, it becomes a threat to the power structure of the mind which resist change and would rather stay in the status quo.

So to reclaim your personal power becomes a threat to the power structure of the mind as it would do anything and everything to resist change and would rather continue as before even though it’s the wrong narrative and you desire to change your life for better or move it along certain routes.

To then reclaim this personal power which has become a threat to the power structure of the mind requires your asserting your free will to do as you will thereby overriding the power structure of the mind and changing the narrative to that which you want.

It involves taking responsibility for the way your life has turned out to become rather than blaming anyone or the circumstances. When you blame others or the situation then you are giving over your power to them and placing yourself in the victim consciousness which has nothing to offer but rather keeps you chained and holed in that state.

When you accept responsibility for the way your life has turned out you take back control from the forces that has previously shaped your life and the mind and now cautiously decide on the next moves to make bearing in mind that every choice has its consequences. But you are in the clear now because you know you will ultimately make the right decision and have no fear or qualms about that.

You can take back control of your life and drive it the way you would rather do and have things the way you want it to be.

It takes taking responsibility for all the wrongs that have happened in your life because whether you agree or not, you are held responsible for all your:


2.   WORDS


Nobody wants to listen to your cry of wolf or denial or victim mentality and it won’t take you far except you sit still, take stock of your life and determine and desire to turn it around and that’s where and when the answers or solutions come in.

If and when you are now truly ready to take back control and look out for the patterns and lessons in your life to understand the mind aberrations that are causing your problems and have taken control of your life.

That’s when the creative centers open within and you can finally have the tools to help you change the course of your life and manifest your destiny.

Sometimes a little help from a Therapist or Mental Health Consultant like myself and a host of others can help guide you on this journey into an amazing life that is yours and yours only.

This is all for now!

Remember if you have questions or need further clarification, please contact me on the email and phone numbers listed below:

+234 9035143577

+234 7057372477


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+234 9035143577


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